Lostock Gralam CofE Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a welcoming and nurturing environment for its pupils. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, where pupils feel safe and well cared for by both their peers and staff. Leaders and staff demonstrate high ambitions for the achievement of all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school’s vision to prioritize children’s needs is evident in daily practices, ensuring that social, emotional, and mental health needs are effectively supported.
Classrooms at Lostock Gralam are calm and conducive to learning, allowing pupils to focus on their studies. Teachers set clear expectations for behavior from the moment children enter the Reception class, and pupils generally exhibit good behavior. They report that any instances of bullying are addressed promptly and effectively by their teachers. The school promotes an understanding of diversity, with older pupils taking on roles such as anti-bullying ambassadors, fostering a culture of inclusion and support.
The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, providing pupils with numerous opportunities to learn about their local area. Leaders have designed the curriculum to enhance vocabulary across subjects, and most pupils, including those in the early years, achieve well. Teachers possess a solid understanding of their subjects and the learning needs of their pupils. However, there are instances where pupils struggle to recall previous learning, particularly in subjects like history, indicating a need for improved assessment practices to ensure knowledge retention.
Phonics instruction is a strength of the school, with a well-ordered curriculum that begins in the early years. Pupils at risk of falling behind are identified early and receive effective support, leading to most becoming successful readers by the end of Key Stage 1. Opportunities for reading and storytelling are abundant, contributing to pupils’ growing understanding of language and texts.
The school is adept at identifying and supporting the specific needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff are well-trained to provide appropriate support, ensuring these pupils can access the same curriculum as their peers, which aids their overall achievement. Children in the early years are familiar with routines that promote safe and purposeful work and play, while pupils throughout the school demonstrate concentration and a desire to excel in their learning.
Leaders have prioritized high-quality opportunities for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, with strong links to the local church enhancing their understanding of global issues. Staff express satisfaction with the teamwork and support within the school, feeling that their workload is considered when new initiatives are introduced. Governors are actively involved in understanding the effectiveness of the curriculum and its impact on pupil learning.
Parents and carers appreciate the support provided by the school and feel their concerns are taken seriously. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders ensuring that staff are well-trained to protect pupils from harm. The school collaborates with outside agencies to provide necessary support for pupils and their families.
While the school excels in many areas, there is a need for improvement in how teachers assess pupils’ understanding and retention of knowledge in some subjects. Leaders should ensure that staff regularly check pupils’ learning before introducing new topics to deepen their understanding over time. Overall, Lostock Gralam CofE Primary School continues to provide a good education, fostering a positive environment for all its pupils.