Overleigh St Mary's CofE Primary School in Chester has received a positive inspection report, highlighting its strengths in various areas of education and community engagement. The school fosters a welcoming environment where pupils feel happy and valued. Teachers and staff, including the school dog Ziggy, greet students warmly each day, creating a sense of belonging, particularly for those from diverse backgrounds. The school promotes pride in individual cultures and languages, contributing to a strong community spirit.
Pupil behavior is exceptional, with students responding well to the high expectations set by the school. They listen attentively and engage respectfully with both teachers and peers, resulting in a calm and purposeful atmosphere conducive to learning. The school encourages all pupils to strive for their best, ensuring that those with English as an additional language receive the necessary support to thrive alongside their classmates. By the end of Year 6, students are well-prepared for the challenges of secondary education.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including gymnastics, British Sign Language, and gardening, allowing pupils to develop their skills and interests. Participation in local sporting events is encouraged, and students take pride in representing their school, especially when they achieve success.
A strong emphasis is placed on early reading, with children in Nursery enjoying stories and songs. The phonics program is implemented effectively in Reception, with well-trained staff supporting pupils who may struggle with reading. However, there is a noted need for more opportunities for early readers to practice their phonics knowledge in writing, which can slow their progress toward becoming fluent writers.
The curriculum is carefully designed, with clear learning objectives that help staff understand what to teach and when. Teachers typically create lessons that facilitate effective learning and retention of knowledge. However, in a few subjects, there is a lack of depth in the curriculum design, which can hinder pupils' understanding of key concepts over time.
The school is proactive in identifying and supporting pupils with additional needs, ensuring that all students have access to the same curriculum. Most pupils with special educational needs and disabilities progress well through their studies.
Personal development is a key focus, with pupils encouraged to engage as active local and global citizens. Initiatives such as donating to local food banks and supporting a twin school in Uganda foster empathy and kindness among students. The diverse nationalities represented in the school are celebrated, contributing to a culture of respect and understanding.
Pupils play harmoniously together during breaks, maintaining the high standards of behavior observed in classrooms. Older students enjoy mentoring younger pupils, further enhancing the supportive school environment. Attendance is prioritized, and the school has successfully worked with families to improve punctuality and regular attendance.
Governors are well-informed about the school's priorities and provide appropriate support and challenge. They are mindful of staff workload, ensuring that teachers feel valued and have the time needed to complete essential tasks.
The safeguarding arrangements in place are effective, ensuring that pupils feel safe and cared for. Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a nurturing environment for all its students. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in providing more writing practice for early readers and refining the curriculum in certain subjects to enhance learning outcomes.