St Gregory's Catholic High School in Warrington has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 3 and 4, 2024. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils take pride in their attendance and appreciate the strong relationships they have with their teachers. This supportive atmosphere is particularly beneficial for students with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they feel safe and happy while receiving the necessary support.
Pupils at St Gregory's embrace the school's values, demonstrating respect and empathy towards others, regardless of their backgrounds. Their behavior is generally polite, and they interact well during social times. The school sets high academic aspirations, motivating students to strive for success. The curriculum is robust and well-structured, allowing most pupils, including those with special educational needs, to achieve commendable results.
The school emphasizes personal development, providing numerous opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles. Initiatives such as form advocates and organizing events like a culture day empower students to contribute positively to their school community. Additionally, young leaders serve as role models, helping younger pupils acclimate to school life.
The curriculum at St Gregory's is ambitious and broad, with a clear focus on essential knowledge and concepts. Teachers generally deliver lessons effectively, presenting material in a way that aids understanding and retention. Most pupils grasp the subject matter well, contributing to their overall achievement. However, there are instances where some teachers' choice of learning activities does not fully support pupils in comprehending the content, which can hinder the progress of a few students.
The school has effectively addressed the increasing number of pupils with education health and care plans. While the needs of these students are identified promptly, there are occasions when some teachers do not adapt their teaching methods sufficiently to cater to these pupils, limiting their access to the curriculum.
Reading is prioritized at St Gregory's, with rigorous assessments in place to tailor support for those who need it. This focus has resulted in pupils becoming confident and fluent readers, with reading being promoted across the curriculum. Most students engage positively with their learning and take pride in their work, contributing to a calm and purposeful classroom environment.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that enhance pupils' broader development, including local and international trips. Specific support and guidance from careers advisors prepare students for their future educational and career pathways, ensuring they are well-informed in making decisions about their futures.
Governors play an active role in holding the school accountable and managing staff workload effectively. Communication regarding changes in practices is clear, contributing to staff morale and commitment to improving educational quality.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Some teachers need to deliver the curriculum more consistently, ensuring that all learning activities effectively support pupils' understanding. Additionally, further guidance is necessary for teachers to better support pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they achieve consistently across the curriculum. Overall, St Gregory's Catholic High School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.