Devoran School, located in Truro, Cornwall, has recently undergone an inspection on the 26th and 27th of September 2023. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, with specific areas such as the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, leadership and management, and early years provision also receiving good ratings. Notably, personal development has been recognized as outstanding. The school has maintained its previous inspection grade of good, indicating a consistent level of quality in its educational offerings.
Attending Devoran School is described as being part of a supportive and nurturing environment where the well-being of pupils is prioritized. The school fosters healthy minds, bodies, and relationships, ensuring that students feel safe and well-cared for. Staff members are dedicated to the success of their pupils, who exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and generally behave well throughout the school. While some students occasionally require reminders to stay focused and transition smoothly between activities, instances of bullying are reported to be exceptionally rare. The school’s anti-bullying ambassadors play a role in maintaining this positive atmosphere, and staff are quick to address any issues that arise.
The school is committed to understanding and catering for the individual needs of each pupil, starting from their arrival in Reception. This personalized approach helps students achieve well, with staff utilizing their knowledge to make learning relevant to each pupil's interests and starting points, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. As a result, pupils embody the school’s values of being ready, respectful, and safe.
Devoran School has established a strong ethos where everyone strives to do their best. Alongside prioritizing pupil well-being, the school effectively promotes staff well-being, fostering collaboration between staff and governors to continually enhance educational provision and meet community needs. The curriculum is well-designed and organized, with a focus on subject leadership that ensures all subjects are valued. Curriculum planning is thoughtfully developed, allowing for appropriate sequencing of learning from early years onward. Adaptations for pupils with special educational needs are carefully considered and often effective, contributing to overall pupil achievement.
While many aspects of the curriculum are highly effective, there are areas where implementation does not consistently meet the school’s expectations. The school’s monitoring processes do not always identify these inconsistencies promptly, which can lead to slower learning in some subjects. Reading is prioritized across the school, with a robust early reading program that supports pupils in becoming proficient readers. When students are at risk of falling behind, staff provide targeted support to help them keep pace with their peers.
Pupils’ personal development is exceptionally well-promoted, with a strong emphasis on physical and emotional well-being. The school ensures that all learning and extracurricular opportunities are accessible to every pupil, fostering a sense of inclusion. Pupils engage in various clubs and learn about maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical education. Their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is effectively stimulated through regular events and visits, reinforcing lessons about diversity and British values.
The safeguarding arrangements at Devoran School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Moving forward, the school aims to strengthen its monitoring processes to address curriculum implementation inconsistencies more swiftly, ensuring that all pupils achieve their full potential across all subjects.