Cubert School, located in Cornwall, underwent an inspection on March 21 and 22, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behavior and attitudes were deemed Good. Personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision all received a Requires Improvement rating as well. This inspection marked a significant change from the previous inspection in March 2017, where the school was rated as Good.
Pupils at Cubert School feel safe and secure, thanks to the attentive care provided by the staff. The school promotes an inclusive ethos and emphasizes mental health support, particularly for students who require additional assistance. Pupils exhibit positive behavior and demonstrate respect during group activities, with older students enjoying interactions with younger peers. Reports of bullying are minimal, with students confident that any issues would be promptly addressed by adults.
Despite the positive environment, the quality of education is lacking. Recent curriculum changes aimed at increasing ambition are still in the early stages, leading to gaps in knowledge and coherence in learning across subjects. Leaders have not clearly defined the essential knowledge that pupils need to acquire, resulting in inconsistent learning outcomes. While pupils show consideration for others, such as fundraising for earthquake victims, the overall educational experience does not meet expectations.
Leaders have faced challenges due to high staff absence, which has hindered their ability to implement long-term improvements. Although they have made efforts to adapt the curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs, the rapid changes have created difficulties in overseeing the process effectively. Consequently, there is a lack of clarity regarding how learning progresses from early years to Year 6, and specific knowledge requirements are not well established.
In subjects where a cohesive approach has been implemented, such as mathematics, pupils demonstrate a solid understanding and recall of concepts. However, in the broader curriculum, teachers struggle to provide tasks that deepen pupils' knowledge due to a lack of clarity in learning objectives. Assessment practices are underdeveloped, making it challenging for teachers to plan effectively, leading to gaps in knowledge retention in subjects like history.
Reading is a priority at Cubert School, with staff trained to ensure a consistent approach to teaching reading. Early years pupils begin learning to read immediately, and additional support is provided to those who fall behind. The school library has been refurbished, promoting a love of reading among students.
The school ensures that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, have access to a full range of subjects. Teachers adapt the curriculum according to individual plans, and support is closely monitored. Pupils learn about healthy relationships through the personal, social, and health education curriculum, and they have opportunities for leadership roles within the school.
Governors are aware of the school's strengths and weaknesses and actively monitor the impact of funding for disadvantaged pupils. They have supported the headteacher during challenging times and seek external assistance when necessary.
The safeguarding arrangements at Cubert School are effective, with a culture of vigilance established to protect pupils. Staff are trained to identify signs of harm, and concerns are recorded and acted upon promptly. Recruitment processes are thorough, ensuring staff suitability for working with children.
To improve, the school must clearly identify and sequence the knowledge pupils need across all subjects to build secure understanding over time. The wider curriculum requires better implementation and assessment development to guide teachers effectively. Additionally, the curriculum should be enhanced to ensure pupils learn about diversity, particularly regarding different faiths and cultures.