Inglewood Junior School, located in Carlisle, Cumbria, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on April 20 and 21, 2022. The school provides a positive environment where pupils enjoy attending daily. They demonstrate friendliness and kindness towards one another and show a strong commitment to their studies, reflecting the high expectations set by school leaders. The school effectively supports all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they achieve well and are prepared for their next educational steps.
Pupils express satisfaction with their peers' behavior and appreciate the caring relationships they have with staff. While instances of poor behavior and bullying are acknowledged, they are reported as rare, and pupils feel confident that staff will address any issues promptly. This contributes to a sense of safety and happiness within the school. The school emphasizes physical fitness, incorporating daily exercise into the routine, which includes completing laps of the school circuit. Many pupils also participate in a variety of extracurricular sports clubs, engaging in activities ranging from football to boxing.
The curriculum at Inglewood Junior School is ambitious and well-structured, focusing on essential knowledge and skills. Teachers and support staff receive regular training to enhance their expertise in delivering the curriculum effectively. The governing body plays a supportive role, demonstrating a solid understanding of the school's operations and actively challenging leaders to ensure high-quality education for all pupils, including those with additional needs.
The school has established effective processes to identify and support pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance to thrive. In many subjects, teachers build on prior knowledge, helping pupils make connections and develop their understanding. However, in a few subjects, assessment strategies could be improved to better identify gaps in learning, which occasionally hinders pupils' progress.
Leaders have prioritized training for staff to deliver the reading and phonics curriculum effectively, collaborating closely with the local infant school to ensure continuity in learning. This approach has resulted in nearly all pupils reading fluently and accurately by the end of Year 6. Pupils generally exhibit good behavior in lessons and around the school, listening attentively and respecting others' views.
The wider curriculum offers rich experiences, allowing pupils to engage in local initiatives and learn about different cultures and faiths. Many pupils take on additional responsibilities, such as classroom helpers or reading advocates, fostering a sense of community and leadership.
Staff members feel well-supported by school leaders, particularly regarding workload management. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders taking their responsibilities seriously and ensuring that all staff are trained to keep pupils safe. The school community is well-informed about safeguarding issues, and pupils learn how to protect themselves through the curriculum.
To enhance its effectiveness, the school should focus on improving assessment practices in a few subjects to ensure that teachers can accurately gauge pupils' understanding and address any learning gaps. Overall, Inglewood Junior School provides a nurturing and effective educational environment, fostering both academic and personal development for its pupils.