Sir John Barrow School, located in Ulverston, Cumbria, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an outstanding overall effectiveness rating. The inspection took place on the 1st and 2nd of March 2023, and the school has shown remarkable progress since its previous inspection, which rated it as good. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision have all been rated as outstanding.
Pupils express a strong affection for their school, often describing it as amazing. They feel safe, happy, and secure due to the strong relationships they have with staff. The school fosters an inclusive environment where every pupil is welcomed, regardless of their differences. Leaders and teachers maintain high expectations for both achievement and behavior, which encourages pupils to strive for their best. The commitment to learning is evident as pupils listen attentively and work diligently in lessons. Support is readily available for those who seek it, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve highly.
Behavior throughout the school is exemplary, with younger children quickly adapting to the structured routines established by adults. Older pupils serve as positive role models, demonstrating appropriate behavior and respect for their peers. The school has effective measures in place to address any instances of bullying, ensuring a safe environment for all.
The school offers a diverse and inspiring program of activities that contribute to pupils' personal development. These activities range from sailing in the Lake District to participating in local poetry-reading festivals. The variety of after-school clubs, including origami and tag rugby, ensures that all pupils, including those with SEND, can participate and benefit from these enriching experiences.
Leaders have utilized extensive research to develop a highly ambitious curriculum that is accessible to all pupils. They have a clear vision for what pupils should know and be able to do by the end of their primary education. The curriculum is structured in a way that builds on prior knowledge, allowing pupils to develop a solid foundation for future learning. Reading is prioritized, with a strong phonics program in place that begins in the early years and continues through Year 1. This focus on reading has fostered a love of literature among pupils, who engage enthusiastically with stories and poetry.
Staff are well-trained and utilize their subject knowledge to deliver engaging lessons. Regular assessments ensure that pupils understand new concepts before progressing, which helps them retain knowledge over time. The school effectively supports pupils with SEND, making necessary adaptations to ensure they can access the curriculum and achieve their potential.
Pupils demonstrate mature attitudes towards learning, contributing to a positive school environment. Attendance rates are typically high, and leaders have taken swift action to address any issues related to persistent absence. The curriculum also promotes an understanding of diversity and inclusion, preparing pupils for life in a multicultural society.
Governors play an active role in the school's success, holding leaders accountable and providing support. Staff express pride in their work and appreciate the professional development opportunities available to them. The school prioritizes staff well-being, ensuring a supportive work environment.
The safeguarding arrangements at Sir John Barrow School are effective, with staff receiving regular training to identify and report concerns. Leaders collaborate with various agencies to support pupils and their families, ensuring their welfare is prioritized. Overall, the school exemplifies excellence in education, providing a nurturing and challenging environment for all its pupils.