Robert Ferguson Primary School, located in Carlisle, Cumbria, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on January 17 and 18, 2023. The school demonstrates a strong commitment to high educational standards, with most pupils achieving well due to the high expectations set by leaders and teachers. The curriculum is well-designed across most subjects, allowing pupils to enjoy their learning experiences. The positive behavior of pupils is evident both in lessons and throughout the school, where they show kindness and support towards one another. This supportive environment fosters curiosity and imagination, particularly among pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, who engage actively in discussions about their learning.
The school offers a diverse range of extra-curricular activities, such as wheelchair basketball, calculations club, and ukulele club, which contribute to a well-rounded educational experience. Older pupils take pride in mentoring younger students, particularly in developing a love for reading. The school prioritizes the safety and well-being of its pupils, with effective measures in place to address any unkind behavior, including bullying.
The curriculum at Robert Ferguson Primary School is broad and ambitious, providing rich experiences for all pupils, including those in early years. Subject leaders play a crucial role in ensuring that staff understand the curriculum content, which enhances teachers' subject knowledge and enables them to support pupils effectively. This approach has resulted in strong foundational skills for children in early years and prepares Year 6 pupils well for their transition to secondary school.
However, there are areas for improvement. In a few subjects, leaders have not clearly identified the key knowledge that pupils should learn, leading to some uncertainty among teachers about what to teach. This gap can hinder pupils from deepening their understanding in those subjects. Teachers are generally effective in helping pupils revisit previous learning, allowing them to connect new knowledge and develop a comprehensive understanding of their subjects. Regular assessments help teachers identify gaps in knowledge, enabling them to tailor activities to address these gaps promptly.
Reading instruction is a priority at the school, with children starting to learn as soon as they enter early years. The phonics program is implemented effectively, and all staff involved in teaching early reading are well-trained. Pupils read books that align with the sounds they have learned, and those who struggle with reading receive additional support to help them catch up. The school’s libraries are well-resourced, providing access to a wide range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction books, which fosters a love of reading among pupils.
Leaders are proactive in identifying the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive appropriate support to access the full curriculum. The school has established a strong culture of good behavior, starting from early years, which minimizes disruptions during learning. Leaders are dedicated to providing a variety of experiences that support pupils' personal development, including visits from authors that inspire creativity and writing.
Staff at Robert Ferguson Primary School appreciate the meaningful training opportunities available to them, and leaders are mindful of their workload and well-being. The governing body provides effective support and challenge to school leaders, contributing to a positive working environment where staff feel proud to be part of the school community. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, with a strong culture of safety established throughout the school. Leaders ensure that staff are well-trained in safeguarding practices, and they work collaboratively with families and external agencies to support pupils' safety and well-being. Overall, Robert Ferguson Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a clear path for further improvement in specific areas of the curriculum.