Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Staveley CofE School on 17 April 2019, marking the first inspection since the school was rated good in November 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain its good status. The leadership team, under the acting headteacher, has effectively ensured a positive learning environment, collaborating closely with the diocese and local authority. The curriculum is rich and well-planned, reflecting the school's Christian values of respect, compassion, resilience, and friendship.
Pupils at Staveley CofE School perform well, with most children leaving the early years achieving a good level of development. The school has seen consistent improvement in phonics screening results, and pupils' attainment in reading, writing, and mathematics has increased over three years. Assessment data and work in pupils' books indicate that they continue to make good progress across the curriculum. Pupils express enjoyment in attending school, feeling safe and well cared for, with rare instances of bullying reported. They appreciate the quick response from staff to any behavioral issues and enjoy various responsibilities and extracurricular activities.
The acting headteacher has worked with staff to create a school development plan that addresses relevant priorities. Monitoring of pupil progress is ongoing, although the evaluation of the effectiveness of actions taken is still developing. Governors provide strong support, ensuring that additional funding is used effectively to support disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. They have overseen the successful use of sports premium funding, leading to notable achievements in various sports.
The previous inspection highlighted the need to improve writing and spelling. The school has made significant strides in this area, with engaging writing activities and effective phonics teaching laying a strong foundation. Pupils are making good progress in writing, with clear systems in place to enhance spelling skills. The subject leader for English collaborates with other schools to share best practices, ensuring high standards are maintained.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with the designated lead ensuring that systems are in place to protect pupils. Staff are trained in safeguarding responsibilities and are aware of the processes to follow if concerns arise. The school maintains detailed records of interactions with children's social care and utilizes community resources to educate pupils on safety.
The inspection focused on three key areas: communication with parents, pupil progress in mathematics, and attendance. While most parents receive regular updates and are involved in school activities, a small number expressed concerns about leadership. In mathematics, the school has prioritized improvement following a decline in progress, engaging with local authorities and implementing clear teaching expectations. However, opportunities for pupils to engage in deeper reasoning and problem-solving in mathematics need enhancement. Attendance has improved significantly, with recent data indicating that it is now above the national average, and persistent absence rates have decreased.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that pupils are sufficiently challenged in mathematics, continuing to develop monitoring plans for teaching quality, and enhancing communication with parents regarding school activities.