Pennington C of E School in Ulverston, Cumbria, was inspected on 10-11 March 2020 and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has maintained a strong reputation since its last inspection in 2006, where it was rated outstanding. The current inspection reflects the changes in the school and the updated inspection framework. The school had not been inspected for 14 years due to changes in legislation that exempted outstanding schools from routine inspections.
The school is characterized by high expectations from staff for every pupil, fostering an environment where students feel valued and capable of achieving great things. Attendance is strong, as pupils enjoy their time at school. Behaviour is commendable, with pupils listening attentively to teachers and supporting one another. Instances of bullying are rare, and when issues arise, they are addressed promptly by staff. Pupils feel safe and are aware of the dangers associated with the internet and social media. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports and arts clubs, and promotes physical fitness through initiatives like the Pennington Paces running program.
Parents and carers express overwhelming support for the school, noting that leaders and staff are responsive to their concerns. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to build on their existing knowledge. The teaching of reading and mathematics has improved significantly since the appointment of the current headteacher in 2017, with leaders ensuring adherence to agreed policies. Governors are actively involved in the school, regularly visiting to understand pupil achievement better.
Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs, achieve well. Recent data indicates that pupils who left Year 6 in 2019 performed better in writing than in reading and mathematics. Mathematics lessons are engaging, with teachers effectively helping pupils recall prior learning. In the early years, children apply their mathematical skills across various activities, enhancing their communication and social skills.
In subjects like science and history, pupils have ample opportunities to develop their skills. Teachers utilize diverse resources to make history engaging, while science lessons encourage inquiry and exploration. The school promotes reading effectively, with pupils enjoying a wide range of texts and developing comprehension and fluency skills. Phonics instruction is systematic, and children in the early years receive strong support to help them catch up if they struggle.
Leaders have provided numerous opportunities for personal development, including charity work and community engagement. Pupils learn about various professions and take on responsibilities, such as being buddies for younger students. However, opportunities to learn about other faiths and cultures are less developed, which could enhance pupils' understanding of modern Britain.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize signs of neglect and abuse. Leaders collaborate with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families. The school teaches pupils about internet safety and engages with community police to promote road safety.
To improve, the school should continue embedding its structured approach to teaching reading and mathematics, ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for key stage three. Leaders should also deepen pupils' experiences of learning about other faiths and cultures to better prepare them for life in a diverse society. Regular checks on the implementation of planned improvements will help maintain the quality of education.