Scotby C of E Primary School, located in Carlisle, Cumbria, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on March 22 and 23, 2022. The school provides a calm and supportive learning environment where pupils feel safe and valued. The staff's commitment to the well-being of students is evident, as they actively listen to any concerns pupils may have. The early years provision is particularly strong, with children quickly settling into routines and enjoying outdoor learning experiences in the school's forest area.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior and are generally well-mannered, with any conflicts being resolved swiftly by staff. The school has high expectations for its students, who work diligently across various subjects and benefit from enriching experiences, such as visits to local historical sites. The range of extracurricular clubs has expanded as COVID-19 restrictions have eased, allowing pupils to engage in activities that build their confidence and resilience.
The curriculum is well-structured, catering for the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Subject leaders effectively support staff in delivering the curriculum, ensuring that key knowledge is organized and interconnected across subjects. Regular assessments help teachers identify misconceptions, allowing for timely interventions. Most pupils achieve well, particularly in mathematics and English, although some struggle to recall information from previous learning, particularly from the pandemic period.
Staff training is effective, equipping them to identify and support pupils with special educational needs. Pupils with these needs are well-integrated into the curriculum and school activities. In science, for instance, pupils confidently apply their knowledge during investigations. The school also emphasizes outdoor learning, which enhances pupils' understanding of their environment.
Reading is a priority at Scotby, with a strong emphasis on fostering a love for literature. Older pupils express enthusiasm for the books they read and readily recommend them to peers. In the early years, children engage with phonics through various activities, helping them become confident readers. The school ensures that reading materials align with the phonics being taught, supporting pupils who may struggle with literacy.
Pupils are encouraged to uphold the school's core values of commitment, kindness, and honesty. They participate in decision-making processes, contributing to improvements within the school, such as the establishment of a memorial garden. The governing body plays an active role in holding school leaders accountable, and staff appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to any concerns regarding pupil welfare. Leaders collaborate with external agencies to provide additional support for vulnerable students and their families. Guidance is also provided to parents on internet safety, ensuring that pupils understand the importance of responsible social media use.
While the school excels in many areas, it must address the retention of key knowledge taught during the pandemic. Ensuring that all pupils can recall and apply prior learning is essential for their continued progress. Overall, Scotby C of E Primary School is a nurturing environment where pupils thrive academically and personally, supported by dedicated staff and a well-structured curriculum.