Cutthorpe Primary School, located in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, has been evaluated as a good school following its inspection on November 2 and 3, 2022. The school provides a positive environment where pupils enjoy attending and express enthusiasm for their teachers and the support they receive. There is a strong sense of ownership among students, who actively participate in creating class charters to promote good behavior. The early years curriculum effectively teaches children about emotions and their management, contributing to a respectful and supportive atmosphere throughout the school.
Leaders at Cutthorpe Primary School maintain high expectations for both staff and pupils, fostering an environment where students are encouraged to achieve well and broaden their horizons. The classrooms are characterized by a calm and purposeful atmosphere, and respectful relationships are evident between staff and pupils. New students are welcomed warmly, and children in the early years demonstrate politeness and confidence when interacting with visitors. Concerns about bullying are minimal, as pupils feel comfortable sharing any issues with their teachers.
The school’s curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to a comprehensive education. Leaders have organized the knowledge, skills, and vocabulary that pupils are expected to learn, incorporating topics that expand their understanding of the world beyond their immediate community. The early years curriculum is also thoughtfully planned to prepare pupils for future learning stages. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in helping pupils make connections between different subjects and deepening their understanding of concepts.
Teachers at Cutthorpe Primary School deliver lessons with clarity and possess secure subject knowledge. They effectively check pupils’ understanding through questioning and other strategies. In the early years, teachers are adept at identifying and addressing misconceptions. However, the school has yet to establish consistent assessment systems in foundation subjects, which limits leaders' ability to identify knowledge gaps in the wider curriculum.
The school has recently adopted a new phonics program, and staff have received training to enhance their delivery of phonics sessions. These sessions engage pupils and support their reading fluency and comprehension. While the program is effective, it has not yet been fully integrated into key stage two. The personal development curriculum is well-sequenced, covering essential topics such as money management, values, and safety. Pupils are aware of the school’s values and fundamental British values, although they may not always connect these to their lives outside of school.
Cutthorpe Primary School offers a range of extracurricular activities, including sports and arts, and pupils participate in forest school activities. The school promotes high expectations for behavior, and pupils learn to take responsibility for their actions. Leadership opportunities are available for older pupils, who engage in various roles, including delivering assemblies and running activities for younger students.
Governors are actively involved in school life, monitoring the curriculum and fulfilling their statutory duties. Staff express positive sentiments regarding their workload and well-being, participating in team-building activities. While leaders have introduced new strategies to enhance the school experience, they have not yet fully evaluated the impact of these initiatives.
The safeguarding arrangements at Cutthorpe Primary School are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding in place. Staff are well-trained and know how to report concerns. Pupils learn about safety, including online safety and healthy relationships, and they feel secure in sharing any concerns with staff. Overall, while Cutthorpe Primary School demonstrates many strengths, there are areas for improvement, particularly in assessment practices and the embedding of new programs.