Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Cotmanhay Junior School on 16 May 2019, following its previous judgment of good in January 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, including governors, has high aspirations for the pupils and their contributions to the local community. The curriculum is broad and engaging, with a strong emphasis on various subjects, including art, music, and physical education, alongside essential skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school’s ‘Community Curriculum’ encourages pupils to extend their learning beyond the classroom and into their families and the Cotmanhay community.
The leadership team effectively utilizes respected national research to enhance teaching practices, leading to improvements since the last inspection. Rigorous monitoring by senior leaders, combined with the dedication of teaching staff, has resulted in clear identification of strengths and weaknesses, with targeted training to address areas needing improvement. Governors are well-informed about the school’s operations and ensure that their vision is implemented effectively. Notably, disadvantaged pupils have made good progress in reading, writing, and mathematics over the past three years due to thoughtful class groupings and effective questioning by teachers.
Although feedback from parents on Ofsted’s online survey was limited, the school actively seeks parental input through its own surveys. A recent survey indicated that parents feel their children are happy and safe at school, and many enjoy participating in school events. During the inspection, pupils exhibited exemplary behavior, demonstrating friendliness and politeness. Their engagement in lessons contributed positively to their learning experiences, and they expressed pride in their work through neat presentation and ambitious vocabulary.
Recent national test results indicate that pupils are making good progress, particularly in mathematics. However, writing remains a focus for improvement, as progress has not been as strong, and fewer pupils are achieving higher standards by the end of Year 6. Attendance is another area of concern, with overall absence rates exceeding the national average, and a significant number of pupils are persistently absent.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to concerns about child welfare. The safeguarding policy is current and compliant with legislation, ensuring that vulnerable pupils receive necessary support. Pupils reported feeling safe and happy at school, recalling lessons on internet safety as part of their education.
The inspection highlighted that leaders have prioritized improving writing this year, implementing a new approach to ensure consistent teaching across the school. Evidence of improvement in writing quality was noted, and pupils reported positive changes in their writing skills. Continued emphasis on reading is expected to support further development in writing.
Leaders acknowledge that poor attendance is a significant barrier to success for some pupils and have implemented various strategies to address this issue. While there have been improvements in punctuality and a reduction in persistent absenteeism, overall absence rates remain a concern.
The school’s website is informative, but some statutory information was missing prior to the inspection. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that all required information is published and that internal record-keeping is maintained accurately. The inspection concluded with recommendations for leaders to sustain improvements in writing, enhance attendance strategies, and ensure compliance with statutory requirements on the school website.