Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Killamarsh Junior School on January 25, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The inspection involved discussions with senior leaders, governors, local authority representatives, and staff, as well as observations of lessons and pupil interactions during social times.
The inspection revealed that while leaders have made progress in improving the school, further work is needed for it to achieve a good rating. Significant changes in leadership have occurred since the previous inspection, with a new headteacher appointed in November 2023 and an additional senior leader starting in January 2024. The school is set to become an academy and join a multi-academy trust in August 2024.
Reading has been prioritized, with the introduction of a phonics scheme tailored to pupils' needs. All staff have received training on teaching reading, and pupils participating in the phonics program, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have shown improvements in their reading accuracy and fluency. The school has also developed a comprehensive reading curriculum that includes a variety of engaging texts, and pupils express enjoyment in reading and can identify books and authors they have studied.
A new curriculum has been implemented, clearly outlining the knowledge and skills to be taught in each subject. Staff have noted a greater focus on subject-specific concepts and appreciate the consistency in teaching across the school. Pupils have demonstrated their learning in various subjects, although subject leaders are still developing effective oversight of their areas due to recent changes and the introduction of a new assessment system. The school recognizes the need to enhance subject leaders' knowledge and confidence in their roles.
Pupils with special educational needs benefit from personalized strategies that help them feel comfortable in classrooms and learn alongside their peers. Recent training has improved the precision of personalized targets for these pupils, although consistency in target setting remains a challenge. Some targets lack the necessary detail to support staff in helping pupils achieve their long-term goals.
The pace of change within the school has accelerated, driven by the need to enhance the quality of education. The senior leadership team has expanded to address priorities, particularly concerning attendance. There has been increased oversight of provisions for pupils with special educational needs, and governors are actively holding leaders accountable for improvements in attendance.
The school has made strides in addressing previous issues related to derogatory language among pupils. Initiatives have been introduced to promote respect and understanding of differences, including assemblies focused on protected characteristics and lessons on emotional communication. Younger pupils report a decrease in derogatory language, while older pupils note a reduction in its frequency.
Overall, attendance is improving, with a decrease in the number of persistently absent pupils. However, some vulnerable pupils still struggle with attendance. The school has implemented various strategies to encourage attendance, although it has yet to analyze the causes of absence rigorously. Leaders have begun to address this issue, recognizing its importance for further improvement. The inspection concluded that while progress has been made, continued efforts are necessary for the school to achieve a good rating in future evaluations.