Stonebroom Primary and Nursery School is recognized as a good educational institution located in Alfreton, Derbyshire. The school has a supportive and caring environment where pupils take pride in their school and enjoy attending. The staff fosters a positive atmosphere, encouraging respect and the importance of learning among students. The school offers a variety of enriching activities, including animal welfare programs where pupils care for pigs, goats, chickens, and guinea pigs. Additionally, the on-site forest school provides opportunities for outdoor learning, enhancing the educational experience.
Pupils express enthusiasm for their learning, with many highlighting their enjoyment of sports, art, and mathematics. The school promotes leadership qualities among students, preparing them for future educational stages. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with high expectations set by staff, resulting in excellent manners and positive interactions. While pupils generally maintain focus during lessons, there are instances where teaching may not effectively build on prior knowledge, leading to occasional lapses in concentration. Pupils feel safe and report that bullying is rare, expressing confidence in staff to address any concerns.
The leadership team, including governors, has a clear vision for the curriculum and learning objectives. They carefully plan the order of knowledge delivery and consider the experiences provided to pupils, aiming to broaden their horizons and encourage high aspirations. This approach is particularly beneficial for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. The school has made strides in academic progress, with pupils achieving well across various subjects. However, there is a noted variance in the precision of subject leaders' understanding, which could be improved.
Teachers are effective in their instruction, with pupils responding confidently to questions and articulating their thoughts well. The emphasis on vocabulary development across subjects aids in building knowledge over time. Lessons are generally engaging and cater to the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. The school prioritizes reading, with younger pupils quickly learning phonics and developing a love for books. However, there are inconsistencies in staff training regarding phonics instruction, which can affect the quality of teaching and the matching of reading materials to pupils' learning levels.
Mathematics instruction is strong, with teachers ensuring that pupils grasp essential concepts and apply their knowledge to problem-solving. The early years, including Nursery and Reception classes, provide a solid foundation for children's education, with exemplary behavior and well-established routines.
Relationships among staff and pupils are positive, contributing to a harmonious school environment. Pupils demonstrate good behavior, actively engage in lessons, and play well together during breaks. The staff is dedicated and passionate about their roles, with leaders mindful of teachers' workloads and striving to reduce unnecessary tasks.
The safeguarding measures in place are effective, ensuring that pupils are safe and well cared for. Staff are trained to recognize signs of concern regarding pupil welfare and know the appropriate actions to take. The school maintains detailed records of checks on adults working within the institution.
To enhance the quality of education, leaders must ensure consistent high-quality phonics instruction and refine the curriculum further. This includes ensuring that all subject leaders have a clear understanding of their areas, which will help in monitoring and improving pupils' learning progression over time. Overall, Stonebroom Primary and Nursery School continues to provide a good educational experience for its pupils, with a strong foundation for future growth and improvement.