Glebe Junior School, located in South Normanton, Derbyshire, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to a good overall effectiveness rating. The inspection conducted on July 12 and 13, 2022, highlighted the school as a caring environment where pupils feel safe and valued. The school community holds the institution in high regard, and students express enjoyment in attending school and engaging with their peers. The core values of the school, encapsulated in the ‘Glebe Way,’ promote growth, learning, enjoyment, belief, and encouragement among students, shaping both the curriculum and the reward system.
Pupils demonstrate positive behavior and are eager to earn recognition through prize points. They feel secure and trust the adults in the school to support them, with a clear understanding of bullying and confidence that it is addressed promptly when it occurs. The school emphasizes high expectations for behavior and achievement, fostering a respectful and supportive atmosphere. Various roles and responsibilities, such as school council members and reading ambassadors, allow pupils to engage actively in school life, further enhancing their sense of belonging.
The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on creating a broad and engaging curriculum that is complemented by extracurricular activities and trips. The curriculum is well-organized in most subjects, with strong subject knowledge among staff. Teachers effectively adapt lessons to meet the needs of pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. However, in a few subjects, there is a need for clearer identification of essential knowledge that pupils should acquire, which has led to some gaps in understanding.
Reading is prioritized, with daily reading sessions and a well-stocked library that reflects modern life. The phonics program is well-implemented, ensuring that pupils read books that align with their learning. Additional support is provided for those who struggle, enabling them to catch up effectively. Assessment practices are strong in English and mathematics, but there is room for improvement in other subjects to ensure that prior knowledge is consistently built upon.
Pupils exhibit good behavior in lessons and during social times, valuing diversity and respecting one another. The school provides robust pastoral support, teaching resilience and confidence while offering a variety of enrichment opportunities. Pupils actively contribute to the school community through roles such as anti-bullying ambassadors and house captains. While they learn about different cultures and faiths, there is a need for a deeper understanding of life in modern Britain and fundamental British values.
The leadership team is attentive to staff workload, fostering a collaborative environment where staff feel appreciated and supported. Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff trained to identify and respond to potential risks. Pupils feel comfortable discussing concerns with any adult in the school, contributing to a safe environment.
To further enhance the school, leaders should refine curriculum plans in certain subjects to clearly outline essential knowledge and vocabulary. Additionally, establishing a structured approach to assessing pupils' understanding across the wider curriculum will be beneficial. Strengthening pupils' understanding of British values and diverse cultures is also essential for their holistic development. Overall, Glebe Junior School is on a positive trajectory, with a strong foundation for continued growth and improvement.