Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Newhall Community Junior School on April 26, 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made since the last graded inspection and involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leaders, the chair of governors, and a local authority representative. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the school was also considered, alongside a review of improvement plans and the curriculum.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, the school continues to require improvement. The leadership has changed, with the current headteacher appointed in September 2022. Under this new leadership, there has been a careful evaluation of the curriculum, leading to a comprehensive mapping of key knowledge and skills across all subjects. Teachers are in the early stages of implementing this revised curriculum, which aims to enhance pupils' ability to know and remember more as they progress. However, the full impact of these changes is not yet evident.
Reading remains a priority, with phonics teaching provided to pupils who need it, ensuring they catch up quickly. The school promotes a love of reading and books across all year groups. Additionally, significant improvements have been made in identifying and supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The school has established strong systems for quickly identifying these pupils' needs, setting precise and measurable targets, and ensuring that all staff have access to this information. The inclusive approach allows pupils with SEND to participate fully in lessons and the broader school community.
Leaders and governors share a commitment to providing a high-quality education that fosters well-rounded individuals. They have identified appropriate priorities for improvement and developed precise plans that consider staff workload. The commitment to implementing these improvements is evident among curriculum leaders and staff.
Collaboration with the local authority and external improvement advisers from a multi-academy trust has been beneficial. The headteacher values the professional conversations and recommendations from these advisers, which support the school's development efforts.
In summary, Newhall Community Junior School is on a path of improvement, with leadership focused on enhancing the curriculum and supporting all pupils, particularly those with SEND. While progress has been made, further work is necessary to achieve a good standard of education. The school is committed to ensuring that the revised curriculum is fully implemented and embedded, enabling pupils to gain essential knowledge and skills as they advance through their education. The ongoing efforts of the leadership team, in collaboration with staff and external partners, are crucial for the school's continued development and success.