Unstone Junior School, located in Dronfield, Derbyshire, underwent an inspection on November 23 and 24, 2021, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has made significant progress since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management were all rated as good.
Parents describe Unstone Juniors as a small school with a strong sense of community, where staff genuinely care for the academic and emotional well-being of each pupil. Students are enthusiastic learners who take pride in their school and are motivated to meet the high expectations set by their teachers. The positive behaviors modeled by adults in the school contribute to a respectful and safe environment where pupils feel valued, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities.
The school emphasizes core values of responsibility, confidence, respect, and aspiration, which are evident in the pupils' behavior and interactions. They engage well in lessons and demonstrate courtesy and consideration towards one another. The school offers a variety of enrichment activities that support personal development, encouraging pupils to reflect on social and moral issues. For instance, during an assembly, pupils engaged in a mature debate about the ethics of swimming with dolphins.
Leaders have thoughtfully planned the curriculum to help pupils recover from any learning loss due to the pandemic, focusing particularly on reading and mathematics. Teachers are skilled at identifying gaps in knowledge and addressing them promptly. Daily reading activities are a staple, and most pupils read fluently, even when faced with challenging texts. The enjoyment of literature is evident, with pupils expressing a desire to continue reading, particularly in subjects like Shakespeare.
Assessment practices are robust, allowing teachers to set ambitious work for all pupils, which has led to a deeper understanding of mathematics. However, in a few subjects, the curriculum plans lack clarity regarding specific learning objectives. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support to access the curriculum effectively.
Pupils demonstrate a growing ability to connect knowledge across different subjects, as seen in projects that integrate science and history. The school prioritizes personal development, preparing pupils for life beyond school through discussions on social issues and a wide range of extracurricular activities.
Leaders and governors have addressed previous inspection concerns and have a clear understanding of the school's performance and areas for improvement. However, some improvement plans lack the necessary precision to ensure effective implementation. The impact of COVID-19 has also affected some planned initiatives, particularly in clarifying expected learning outcomes in certain subjects.
New governors have focused on safeguarding and training but require more hands-on experience to support the school's strategic development fully. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of care and vigilance for pupil welfare.
To enhance the school's effectiveness, leaders need to refine their planning for curriculum and improvement initiatives, ensuring clarity in responsibilities and measurable outcomes. Completing the curriculum overhaul is essential to provide teachers with clear guidance on what to teach and assess. Additionally, supporting new governors in their development will strengthen the governance of the school and aid in addressing barriers to improvement. Overall, Unstone Junior School is on a positive trajectory, with a strong foundation for continued growth and success.