Highfield Hall Primary School, located in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 20-21, 2019. The school is characterized by a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, where respect and compassion are fundamental values. Pupils express happiness and a sense of safety, attributing their positive experiences to attentive teachers who support their learning. The behavior of students is commendable, as they demonstrate kindness and good manners, contributing to a positive school environment. Instances of bullying are reported to be rare, and students feel confident that staff will address any issues promptly.
The leadership team is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve well. Teachers are encouraged to create engaging and exciting lesson plans across most subjects, fostering a strong work ethic among students. Pupils enjoy learning, whether working independently or collaboratively, and new students adapt quickly to the school environment. The school promotes student involvement in enhancing their learning experience, with opportunities for responsibilities such as house captains and school councillors. Parents have expressed high regard for the school, highlighting its inclusive approach and family-like atmosphere.
The school is effectively led by the recently appointed headteacher and his team, with governors actively monitoring the quality of education provided. Recent changes to the curriculum have been implemented, with clear objectives for what pupils should know and understand at various stages of their education. Learning is structured logically, enabling children to retain knowledge effectively. However, some curriculum changes are still in the early stages, and leaders have yet to fully assess the quality of the curriculum across all subjects.
Teachers utilize assessment information effectively to cater to the specific needs of pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. These students receive tailored support in class, and leaders closely monitor the progress of disadvantaged pupils to ensure they receive appropriate assistance. The early years program is robust, providing children with a wide range of stimulating indoor and outdoor activities. High expectations are set for staff, who plan activities that build on children's prior knowledge, particularly in reading and mathematics.
Reading and mathematics are prioritized, with staff well-trained to deliver phonics sessions from the start of a child's education. Pupils who struggle with early reading receive additional support, resulting in most achieving good phonics skills by the end of Year 1. The school fosters a love for reading, with students enjoying high-quality literature and having access to a diverse selection of reading materials.
Mathematics instruction is equally effective, with skilled teachers providing challenging work that helps pupils become fluent in the subject. The physical education curriculum is well-executed, promoting health and fitness through various sporting and artistic opportunities. Leaders are dedicated to supporting pupils' personal development, offering numerous responsibilities and extracurricular activities, including mindfulness training.
Pupils exhibit excellent behavior, showing care for one another and participating in initiatives like Anti-Bullying and Kindness Week. The school maintains a good attendance record, and staff appreciate the training and support they receive from the headteacher, who is mindful of their workload. Safeguarding measures are effective, with clear reporting systems in place and regular staff training to ensure up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding practices. Relationships within the school are strong, allowing staff to identify and address any concerns regarding pupil welfare promptly. Overall, Highfield Hall Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong emphasis on pupil well-being and academic achievement.