St Oswald’s CofE Primary School in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 25 and 26, 2024. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, with pupils, staff, parents, and carers describing it as a family. The core values of hope, friendship, respect, perseverance, honesty, and forgiveness are evident throughout the school environment. From the early years, children feel valued and cared for, which is echoed by parents who appreciate the individual attention their children receive.
Pupils exhibit exceptional behavior, learning in a focused and purposeful atmosphere. During social times, they engage in laughter, conversation, and play, demonstrating trust in the staff to support them when needed. The school promotes a love for reading, with books integrated into daily activities, allowing pupils to share and choose literature that interests them. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed, continually evolving to ensure that pupils thrive academically and personally. The early years provision lays a solid foundation for future learning.
The school offers a variety of opportunities for broader development, including educational trips to locations such as the Welsh seaside, London, and local museums. Pupils engage in activities like learning to play the ukulele and programming robots, enhancing their educational experience beyond the classroom.
The curriculum is ambitious and inclusive, with subject leaders outlining the knowledge and skills pupils should acquire from early years through to Year 6. Teachers appreciate the clarity provided by this structure, which allows for a cumulative learning experience. As a result, pupils produce high-quality work across most subjects, showcasing their skills in areas like art. However, there are a few subjects where the curriculum is still new, and pupils' learning in these areas is not yet as secure.
Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and effectively guide pupils in independent work. In mathematics, for instance, pupils learn to select appropriate tools to aid their understanding. While teachers ask precise questions to assess learning, there are opportunities for improvement in ensuring all pupils engage deeply with their answers. The school has plans to enhance this aspect of teaching.
The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is a notable strength. The school accurately identifies individual needs and provides appropriate support, enabling these pupils to achieve well. Parents of children with SEND commend the assistance their children receive.
Phonics and early reading instruction is effective, with children starting to learn to read in Reception. Skilled staff ensure that pupils read books that align with their phonics knowledge, and regular progress checks help tailor support to individual needs. The school fosters a culture of excellent behavior through warm relationships and established routines, with high expectations rooted in its values.
Pupils are well-prepared for future educational and life stages, learning to participate positively in society through various activities, including voting for the school council and engaging in community events. They develop respect for others through lessons and assemblies, learning about safety in personal, social, health, and economic education.
Governors, leaders, and staff are dedicated to continuous improvement, valuing the professional support they receive. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is committed to addressing areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring consistent implementation of the curriculum and enhancing questioning techniques to deepen pupils' understanding. Overall, St Oswald’s CofE Primary School continues to provide a nurturing and effective educational experience for its pupils.