Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Eyam CofE Primary School on 14 February 2018, following its previous judgment of good in February 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team demonstrates a thorough understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. Regular checks on teaching quality and pupil progress are conducted, allowing for timely interventions when necessary. This proactive approach ensures that pupils are well-prepared for their next educational stages and for life in modern Britain.
The headteacher has fostered a culture of collaboration among teachers, encouraging them to share best practices with professionals from other schools. This has led to accurate assessments of pupil learning and effective support for those who need it. Consequently, pupils achieve well in reading, writing, and mathematics, with the 2017 Year 6 results showing a higher proportion of pupils meeting the expected standards compared to the national average. The school has identified the need to further enhance the attainment of average and most able pupils in these subjects.
The inspection highlighted the importance of regular checks on pupils’ understanding, a recommendation from the previous inspection. The headteacher has ensured that teachers are equipped to assess pupils effectively, leading to well-planned lessons that engage students and foster positive attitudes towards learning. During the visit, pupils were observed working enthusiastically and making good progress, with adults providing necessary support and challenges.
Pupils at Eyam CofE Primary School demonstrate kindness and care towards one another, supported by opportunities to collaborate across year groups. This nurturing environment contributes to positive behavior and a low incidence of bullying. The school’s records corroborate this positive atmosphere, with pupils expressing confidence in the support they receive from staff.
Governors possess a comprehensive understanding of the school’s quality of provision, utilizing detailed information and their own checks to provide both challenge and support to the headteacher. They share a commitment to ensuring that all pupils are well-prepared for future educational endeavors and life in modern society.
Safeguarding practices are effective, with the headteacher prioritizing pupil welfare and collaborating with parents and external agencies when concerns arise. Staff are well-trained and vigilant, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported. Feedback from pupils and parents indicates a strong sense of safety and well-being within the school community.
The inspection findings noted that previous underachievement in reading and writing has been addressed through prompt action, resulting in significant improvements. Current pupils are on track to meet expected standards, although there remains a focus on increasing the number of pupils achieving higher standards in these subjects. Mathematics has seen similar challenges, with the school recognizing the need for continued development to ensure that more pupils attain higher standards.
Pupils benefit from a curriculum that promotes understanding of different cultures and religions, fostering respect and awareness of diversity. This prepares them well for life in a multicultural society. The school is encouraged to further enhance teaching quality to ensure that a greater proportion of pupils, particularly those of average ability and the most able, achieve higher standards in reading, writing, and mathematics.