Ofsted conducted a short inspection of The Curzon CofE Primary School on June 6, 2019, and the findings indicate that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education since the last inspection in 2010. The headteacher, Mrs. Geraldine Lowden, has successfully implemented a vision for the school that emphasizes hard work, learning, personal responsibility, and care for others. This vision has fostered a caring and cohesive community where staff and students know each other well. Parents have expressed high levels of satisfaction, noting that their children are well cared for and supported.
The school’s improvement plan is focused on the right areas, although the targets could be sharper to allow for better measurement of success. The school has maintained high levels of attainment, with a higher proportion of children reaching a good level of development in the early years compared to national averages. Pupils consistently meet expected standards in phonics screening checks and exceed national averages at key stages one and two. The quality of work in pupils' books reflects these high standards across the curriculum.
Pupils exhibit positive behavior and conduct, demonstrating courtesy and a welcoming attitude towards visitors. They describe the school as a bully-free environment, and any instances of poor behavior are addressed promptly by leaders. The inclusive nature of the school is evident, with pupils feeling safe and supported.
Evidence from lessons and assessments shows that most pupils are working at or above age-related expectations. Older pupils, in particular, demonstrate strong writing skills, using complex vocabulary and descriptive language effectively. Teachers provide clear feedback, enabling pupils to understand their successes and areas for improvement. The introduction of peer assessment has further enhanced the learning experience, allowing pupils to give and receive constructive feedback.
Pupils enjoy a variety of social activities and appreciate the range of facilities available, including a peace garden and various sporting opportunities. Older pupils take pride in supporting younger ones as buddy readers, reinforcing a sense of responsibility and community.
The governing body possesses a solid understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. They provide appropriate challenge and support, regularly monitoring progress in key areas, including the support for disadvantaged pupils and safeguarding measures. Feedback from parents, staff, and pupils is overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing pride in the school and its achievements.
Safeguarding practices are robust, with a strong culture of safety evident throughout the school. Staff are well-trained to identify risks and respond appropriately. Pupils are knowledgeable about staying safe, both online and in their communities, and parents feel confident that their children are happy and safe at school.
The inspection highlighted that while progress in mathematics has improved, it still lags behind reading and writing. Teachers are encouraged to ensure that all pupils receive appropriately challenging work without unnecessary preliminary tasks. The school is committed to using funding effectively to support disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they make the expected progress.
Overall, The Curzon CofE Primary School demonstrates a commitment to high educational standards, a supportive community, and effective leadership, with clear areas identified for continued improvement.