Caen Community Primary School in Braunton, Devon, has been inspected and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on March 13 and 14, 2023. The school is characterized by a welcoming and caring environment where pupils feel happy and safe. Staff are attentive to the individual needs of students, fostering a sense of community and respect among pupils. Attendance is regular, indicating a positive school culture.
The leadership team has developed an ambitious curriculum that caters to all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils express enthusiasm for the knowledge and skills they acquire, demonstrating a strong engagement with their learning. The quality of education is rated as good, with a particular emphasis on reading. Pupils show a keen interest in reading, viewing it as an opportunity to learn about the world. The school provides a carefully selected range of books that promote understanding of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Teachers ensure that reading materials align with pupils' abilities, contributing to their fluency and confidence.
Behaviour and attitudes among pupils are generally good, although there are instances where staff expectations for conduct could be higher. When expectations are not sufficiently rigorous, some pupils may not behave as well as they should. Nevertheless, pupils report that they are treated fairly by staff and understand the school rules. Instances of bullying are addressed promptly by leaders, and older pupils play a role in helping younger ones resolve conflicts peacefully, contributing to a calm and enjoyable atmosphere during playtimes.
Parents and carers express pride in being part of the school community, particularly appreciating the variety of extracurricular activities available. They value the accessibility of school leaders, who are approachable and open to communication. Feedback from parents highlights the positive experiences their children have at school.
The school excels in its approach to early years education, with leaders ensuring that children's needs are identified early on. Activities are designed to engage children and prepare them for future learning. Staff support children in developing their writing skills, and pupils take pride in their work displayed in the classroom.
While the school demonstrates many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Assessment practices do not always identify gaps in pupils' knowledge with sufficient precision, which can hinder learning. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that assessments inform teaching and reflect what pupils already know. Additionally, there is a need for all staff to maintain consistently high expectations for pupil behaviour to support a conducive learning environment.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with regular training provided for staff to ensure they are equipped to identify and report concerns. Leaders are proactive in addressing the needs of vulnerable families and understand local risks that pupils may face. However, there are some inaccuracies in the recording of recruitment checks for new staff that need to be addressed.
Overall, Caen Community Primary School is a good school that provides a supportive and engaging learning environment for its pupils. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on enhancing assessment practices and maintaining high expectations for behaviour to further enrich the educational experience for all students.