Hartland Primary School, located in Devon, has shown significant improvement since its last inspection, achieving a Good rating across all key areas. The headteacher's determined leadership has been pivotal in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. The governing body has developed a strong understanding of their roles, effectively challenging school leaders and contributing to the school's progress. Middle leaders have also played a crucial role in curriculum improvements, although there is a need for further development in subjects outside of English and mathematics.
Parents and carers express high levels of satisfaction with the school, appreciating the care provided for their children and the stimulating teaching that fosters confidence. Pupils demonstrate good behavior in lessons and throughout the school, with staff effectively addressing any instances of bullying. While teaching and learning are generally strong, some inconsistencies remain, particularly in science. Current pupils are making good progress, although there are occasions when teachers do not set high enough expectations for the most able pupils in writing.
Pupils are enthusiastic readers and enjoy writing, but some key stage two pupils struggle with spelling, which affects their writing quality. Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities are making good progress due to effective support in lessons. Attendance has improved and is now in line with the national average, although a small group of pupils remains persistently absent.
The early years provision is also rated as good, with children receiving effective teaching and support that helps them make a successful start. The school has identified areas for further improvement, including strengthening leadership across all subjects, particularly in science, and enhancing attendance for disadvantaged pupils. Additionally, there is a focus on providing sufficient challenge for the most able pupils in writing and improving spelling skills for key stage two pupils.
The leadership and management of the school have improved significantly, with the headteacher's effective drive and high expectations evident throughout the school. Staff morale is high, and there is a strong sense of unity among the team, contributing to the overall positive atmosphere. The school has established clear expectations for staff, which has led to greater consistency in teaching and learning.
Governors have improved their understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, regularly visiting to monitor progress and holding leaders accountable for pupil outcomes. The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils.
Overall, Hartland Primary School is a good school that has made considerable strides in improving educational outcomes for its pupils. The commitment of the leadership team, staff, and governors, along with the support of parents and the community, has created a positive learning environment where pupils can thrive. The school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement, focusing on the identified areas for development to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential.