West Down School, located in Ilfracombe, Devon, has undergone significant changes in leadership in recent years, resulting in a new governing body and senior leadership structure. The school was inspected from October 1 to 2, 2019, and received a rating of good across all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. This marks a shift from its previous outstanding rating in June 2012.
The school is characterized by a nurturing environment where every child feels cared for, with both pupils and parents describing it as a loving family. Staff members express a strong commitment to the well-being of the children, fostering a warm ethos that permeates the school. Pupils arrive eager to learn, and the school day is filled with happiness and joy. Teachers motivate students to achieve their best, and subject specialists deliver engaging lessons that inspire curiosity. As a result, pupils perform well academically and enjoy their learning experiences.
Behavior in the school is commendable, with pupils listening attentively and working hard in lessons. They feel safe and are knowledgeable about how to respond to any safety concerns, with a strong belief that bullying is not an issue at the school. The leadership team is ambitious for all pupils and has designed a curriculum that allows for teaching by subject specialists, which has positively impacted learning in certain subjects.
The curriculum is rich in opportunities for pupils to understand diverse perspectives, with a strong emphasis on the arts. Effective teaching enables pupils to connect their knowledge and skills across music, dance, and drama, allowing them to perform in various venues. The school has also established strong community links, helping pupils develop into respectful citizens through initiatives such as serving Christmas lunch to the elderly.
Support for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs is robust, with a well-organized special educational needs coordinator overseeing the provision. Phonics instruction is effective, with staff well-trained and regularly monitoring pupil progress. However, there are concerns regarding the reading curriculum in key stage two, where insufficient time is allocated to teaching reading and understanding different text types. Some pupils are not achieving the necessary reading skills for their next educational stage due to a poorly designed reading curriculum.
Leaders have taken steps to improve writing, recognizing weaknesses in spelling among some pupils in key stage two. Staff have engaged in research projects to enhance writing skills, and early signs indicate progress. Nonetheless, the writing curriculum lacks effective sequencing, hindering pupils' ability to build on their knowledge and skills.
In the early years, children receive excellent care, with staff making the most of outdoor areas regardless of weather conditions. A love of reading is instilled from the start, preparing children well for phonics instruction. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with well-trained staff who can identify and respond to risks. Pupils demonstrate a strong understanding of safety, both in and out of school, and feel confident that their concerns will be addressed.
Overall, while West Down School has made significant strides in many areas, there are still challenges to address, particularly in reading and writing. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that the curriculum is well-sequenced and that pupils acquire the necessary skills to succeed in their education.