Following the short inspection of St Nicholas Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School on 22 May 2018, it was confirmed that the school continues to provide a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively maintained this standard since the last inspection in May 2014. The headteacher, Mrs. Tracy Maley, leads with positivity and determination, fostering high aspirations for all students. The school’s vision is evident in all aspects of school life, creating a positive atmosphere where staff and governors collaborate for the benefit of pupils. Staff morale is high, and teamwork is strong, with all staff involved in the self-evaluation process, ensuring clarity on strengths and areas for improvement.
Parents appreciate the approachable nature of the staff and the supportive environment created within the school. Feedback from parents indicates a strong endorsement of the school, with many expressing satisfaction with the recognition of individual pupil strengths and the encouragement provided to help children believe in themselves. The school has made significant strides in improving the writing standards of more-able pupils, with marked improvements noted since the previous inspection. The proportion of pupils achieving higher standards in writing has surpassed the national average.
In mathematics, the school has introduced a new teaching approach, and while progress is being made, there is still a need for more pupils to achieve higher standards. Phonics teaching has also seen improvement, with effective leadership leading to better progress and achievement in early years and key stage one. The proportion of pupils meeting the expected standard in phonics is now above the national average.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a culture of safety and responsibility established among staff and governors. Regular audits ensure that safeguarding arrangements are robust, and staff training is up to date. The school has successfully improved pupil attendance through close partnerships with parents and effective behavior management procedures, creating a safe and supportive learning environment.
During the inspection, the focus was on the actions taken to ensure good progress in mathematics and the achievement of higher standards. The school promotes a culture of continuous improvement, with teachers using questioning effectively to assess understanding and address misconceptions promptly. The commitment to improving mathematical vocabulary and encouraging pupils to articulate their understanding has contributed to better progress in mathematics.
The inspection also explored the achievement of boys in writing, identifying successful teaching approaches that engage boys and promote good progress. The school’s commitment to exposing pupils to a variety of texts has enhanced their writing skills and understanding of different writing styles. The integration of practical activities and drama in lessons has further engaged pupils in their writing.
Overall, the school is encouraged to continue focusing on improving achievement in mathematics across all year groups to ensure that more pupils reach high standards. The inspection findings highlight the school’s strengths in leadership, teaching quality, and the positive relationships fostered with parents and the community, contributing to a supportive and effective educational environment.