The Priory Church of England Primary School in Christchurch, Dorset, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection in 2018, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection conducted on February 2 and 3, 2022, highlighted the positive changes in the school environment and the quality of education provided to its pupils. The school promotes values such as aspiration, forgiveness, love, and respect, which pupils embody with pride. They express that learning is enjoyable and that the school is a happy and safe place. The cooperative spirit among pupils is evident, particularly during lunchtime activities, and they feel confident that any instances of bullying are addressed promptly by staff.
The nurturing support provided by the school fosters strong friendships among pupils, starting from Reception. This supportive environment contributes to the maturity and eagerness to learn displayed by older students. However, the curriculum previously lacked comprehensive coverage of essential knowledge across subjects. School leaders are actively working to rectify this, and pupils are now experiencing a broader and more enriching educational experience. The school places a strong emphasis on mental and physical well-being, encouraging discussions on diversity and human rights, and offering a variety of extracurricular activities that enhance the curriculum.
Senior leaders are committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that the school serves its community effectively. They possess a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas needing development. While governors hold leaders accountable for the core curriculum's quality, there is a need for more effective oversight of the wider curriculum. Parents express high levels of satisfaction, with nearly all recommending the school to others. The school demonstrates a strong commitment to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, enabling them to thrive academically.
Mathematics instruction is particularly effective, with consistent teaching methods ensuring that pupils grasp concepts well. Leaders are also addressing gaps in early language and reading skills exacerbated by the pandemic. Reception children are developing a love for stories, and tailored support is helping them improve their communication skills. The reading curriculum is being reshaped to enhance phonics knowledge, and many pupils are making significant progress. The science curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to retain knowledge effectively, although some aspects of the wider curriculum require further development due to disruptions caused by COVID-19.
While most teaching is grounded in strong subject knowledge, there are instances where adjustments to teaching sequences are insufficient, leading to missed misconceptions in pupils' learning. Leaders need to enhance their oversight to ensure that all teaching meets the expected depth and rigor. Attendance is closely monitored, and most pupils enjoy attending school, contributing to a positive school culture. The curriculum also addresses themes of equality and democracy, fostering compassion and self-reflection among pupils.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding evident throughout the school. Staff are well-trained and responsive to any concerns regarding pupil welfare. The curriculum includes education on healthy relationships and safety, including online safety. Moving forward, the school must continue to refine its curriculum planning and sequencing to ensure all subjects are effectively implemented, allowing every pupil to achieve their full potential. Leaders are in the process of reviewing the curriculum and must ensure that teaching is consistently adjusted to address pupils' needs and misconceptions promptly. Overall, the Priory Church of England Primary School is making commendable strides in providing a quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.