Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Kelloe Primary School on 6 March 2019, following its previous judgment of good in March 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mr. Paul Newton, has implemented significant changes that have led to rapid improvements. Mr. Newton's dedicated leadership and commitment to providing the best for every child have garnered respect from staff, governors, parents, and the local community. Parents expressed their appreciation for the school's transformation and the professionalism of the teaching staff, highlighting the excellent support provided for children with special needs.
Pupils take pride in their school and enthusiastically shared their positive experiences, including participation in initiatives like the Prince William Award and Forest Schools. The self-evaluation summary accurately reflects the school's strengths and areas for improvement. Pupils achieve well, with notable increases in the proportion of Year 6 pupils meeting expected standards in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school has also seen improvements in early years provision, with children making good progress from low starting points.
The leadership's relentless pursuit of improvement has effectively addressed previous inspection recommendations. Notably, efforts to enhance reading skills among disadvantaged pupils have resulted in better achievement and progress for this group compared to their peers. The early years provision has improved, with a higher proportion of children reaching a good level of development. Funding from a local business is being utilized to enhance outdoor learning areas, further supporting children's development.
Safeguarding practices are robust, with the designated safeguarding leader maintaining comprehensive knowledge of at-risk pupils and fostering strong partnerships with parents and external agencies. The school ensures that all necessary safeguarding arrangements are in place, and staff receive regular training on child protection and e-safety. Pupils exhibit exemplary behavior, reporting that bullying is rare and that they feel safe and well cared for at school.
The inspection identified areas for continued focus, including improving overall attendance and reducing persistent absence, which have been higher than national averages. The school has made concerted efforts to address these issues, including appointing an attendance officer to track attendance patterns and engage with parents. While attendance has improved, further work is needed.
Another area of inquiry was the teaching of spelling, where Year 6 pupils' scores have remained below national averages. The school has introduced various strategies to enhance spelling instruction, including a focus on phonics and explicit spelling sessions integrated into English lessons. Reading attainment has significantly improved, with a strong reading culture established across the school. Initiatives to involve parents in reading activities have also been successful.
The school is committed to providing pupils with opportunities beyond their local area, organizing trips and extracurricular activities to enrich their experiences. While progress has been made in core subjects, there is recognition of the need to enhance the wider curriculum, particularly in history and geography. The provision for early years has steadily improved, with strong links established with parents to support children's learning at home.
Disadvantaged pupils are achieving well, with progress above national averages in key subjects. However, the school has identified the need to improve the presentation of written work and plans to implement a new handwriting program. Overall, Kelloe Primary School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and providing a high-quality education for all its pupils.