Durham Gilesgate Primary School is a welcoming and inclusive institution located in Durham. The recent inspection conducted on May 16 and 17, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, reflecting significant improvements since the previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision were all rated as good.
The school environment fosters a sense of calm and purpose, with pupils displaying happiness and engagement throughout the school day. Leaders are dedicated to curriculum development, having established an ambitious curriculum that caters to all pupils. Students articulate their learning experiences with maturity, demonstrating a solid understanding of recent lessons and past studies. Strategic decisions have been made to help pupils catch up on any learning missed during the pandemic, although the organization of the curriculum in key stage two has been noted as complex, which may lead to gaps in learning.
Pupils benefit from a variety of extracurricular opportunities, including a stargazing project, French club, and regular use of the school allotment. Physical education activities, such as yoga and the recent color run, are particularly popular among students. The personal, social, and health education curriculum effectively promotes well-being and mental health, fostering strong relationships among pupils and between pupils and staff. The school prioritizes safety, with staff addressing conflicts promptly and teaching pupils the importance of friendship.
Reading has been identified as a priority, with a new early reading program implemented effectively across the school. High-quality teaching ensures that most pupils learn to read well, although a small number of pupils face challenges. These pupils receive personalized interventions to support their learning. Leaders are committed to ongoing improvements in the curriculum, with a focus on assessing what pupils are learning. However, in some subjects, assessment practices are not as robust, leading to less clarity on pupils' understanding and areas needing focus.
The school has developed effective systems for supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive high-quality teaching tailored to their needs. Staff training is prioritized, and the well-being of teachers is considered in curriculum development. However, the evaluation of mixed-age classes has not yet been conducted to ensure that pupils do not repeat content or miss new learning opportunities.
Pupil behavior is commendable, with students responding well to high expectations. They demonstrate attentiveness and politeness throughout the school. However, attendance remains a concern, with some pupils persistently absent, impacting their learning. Leaders are aware of the need to improve attendance to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to succeed.
In early years, the curriculum builds on prior learning, with staff effectively addressing gaps through assessment. The learning environment is supportive, and children manage their emotions well, learning alongside their peers. Governance is a strength of the school, with a newly appointed governing body that actively engages in the school's improvement efforts.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff receiving regular training to identify and report issues promptly. Pupils feel safe and are educated on staying safe in various contexts. Overall, while the school has made significant strides in various areas, there are still opportunities for improvement, particularly in ensuring consistent assessment practices and addressing attendance issues.