Seaford Primary School, located in East Sussex, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 22 and 23, 2022. The school is characterized by a calm and inclusive environment where students feel happy and supported. Pupils express that no one is ever left out, highlighting the friendly and respectful relationships fostered among them. The staff at Seaford Primary are dedicated to understanding and meeting the needs of each student, which contributes to a positive atmosphere conducive to learning.
The leadership team at Seaford Primary is ambitious regarding student achievement and has organized the curriculum effectively to engage pupils in their learning. Students are encouraged to work hard and think about their future, as demonstrated during a recent careers day where visitors discussed various job opportunities and the relevance of different subjects in preparing for those careers. The school maintains high expectations for student behavior, with established routines that promote a safe and supportive learning environment. Positive behavior is evident during lessons and playtimes, and initiatives like playtime buddies help students resolve conflicts and make good choices.
The curriculum is ambitious and systematically develops students' knowledge. Subject leaders have designed a well-structured learning sequence that allows pupils to build on their prior knowledge. For instance, in Reception, children learn to count objects through play, which prepares them for more complex mathematical concepts in later years. Staff effectively use assessments to gauge student understanding, although there are instances where some teachers may advance students too quickly, potentially hindering their mastery of essential knowledge.
Subject leaders are knowledgeable and provide valuable support to teachers in lesson planning and delivery. A focus on vocabulary across subjects enables students to discuss complex topics confidently. However, in some areas, teachers may lack clarity regarding the essential knowledge students need to retain, indicating a need for improved guidance from school leaders.
The school is proactive in identifying and supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff are well-trained to recognize signs of such needs and collaborate closely with the special educational needs coordinator to provide appropriate support, ensuring that these pupils achieve well.
Reading is prioritized at Seaford Primary, with staff trained in phonics instruction. This begins in Reception, where children learn the connection between letters and sounds, progressing to more complex texts as they advance through the school. Regular assessments ensure that any students falling behind receive timely support to help them catch up.
The curriculum is enriched with a variety of educational trips and experiences that enhance learning. For example, Year 3 students visit Smuggler’s Cliff to explore local history, while Year 6 students participate in a residential trip to develop teamwork and self-esteem.
Pupils receive well-planned personal development opportunities, gaining an understanding of diversity in modern Britain. They learn to respect and tolerate differences in faiths, beliefs, and cultures, fostering a sense of community and understanding.
The school’s safeguarding arrangements are effective, with regular training ensuring staff can identify vulnerable students. Leaders respond promptly to concerns, providing families with necessary support. The curriculum also includes lessons on safety, including online safety, empowering students to seek help when needed.
While Seaford Primary School demonstrates many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Teachers need to ensure that assessments accurately reflect student understanding before introducing new content. Additionally, refining the curriculum to clarify essential knowledge in certain subjects will further enhance student learning and progress. Overall, Seaford Primary School continues to provide a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.