Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Peter Gladwin Primary School on 12 February 2019, following its previous judgment of good in February 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mrs. Karen Harrison, has fostered a strong culture of improvement, with senior leaders working collaboratively towards shared goals. The school’s motto, Dream, Believe, Achieve, reflects the belief that every child can succeed. Stakeholders, including parents, staff, and governors, report noticeable improvements since the last inspection.
Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, finding school enjoyable, particularly appreciating the creative curriculum, mathematics, and writing. They value the variety of clubs and activities available, which enhance their engagement and sense of community. During the inspection, pupils demonstrated good behavior in class and around the school, actively participating in cooperative play and adhering to the Rights Respecting Schools charter.
The school prioritizes emotional well-being, providing exceptional support to pupils, which parents commend as remarkable. The leadership has focused on enhancing teaching and learning in reading, writing, and mathematics. A new approach to mathematics has been successfully implemented, leading to improved progress, although there is a need for greater challenge for all pupils, particularly low-attaining and the most able.
The English leader has effectively addressed previous recommendations, resulting in improved writing standards across the school, with attainment now exceeding the national average at the end of key stage two. Teachers maintain high expectations, and boys are particularly engaged with the topics chosen. Phonics and reading are strengths, contributing to the quality of writing, though there is a need for more precise feedback to pupils regarding their writing improvement and for enhancing handwriting quality.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with thorough systems in place to ensure pupil safety. The business manager maintains meticulous records of recruitment checks and safeguarding training. The care and welfare of pupils are prioritized, with staff trained to recognize and report concerns. Attendance is above the national average, and the school has effectively managed behavior, reducing exclusions over time. Pupils feel safe and supported, with trust in staff to address any issues.
The inspection focused on safeguarding, pupils’ progress in mathematics, support for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, and the curriculum's contribution to learning. Pupils appreciate the new mathematics approach, finding it more enjoyable and effective in addressing misconceptions. Staff training has enhanced teachers' subject knowledge, leading to vibrant classrooms that support learning. The school has utilized funding to provide additional support for disadvantaged pupils, ensuring equitable opportunities for all.
The curriculum is rich and engaging, with Friday enrichment activities integrating learning across subjects. Parents recognize the school’s commitment to a varied and interesting curriculum. The school tailors learning to meet the needs of different year groups while ensuring alignment with national standards. Opportunities for exploring the arts and applying mathematics in real-world contexts are well integrated.
Next steps for the school include ensuring all pupils are appropriately challenged in mathematics, providing clearer guidance for writing improvement, and enhancing the quality of handwriting and presentation. The inspection findings will be shared with relevant stakeholders, and the letter will be published on the Ofsted website.