Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Framfield Church of England Primary School on 11 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in November 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the new headteacher Mrs. Lisa Pestell, has effectively united the staff and addressed urgent areas for development after a period of leadership changes. The commitment to improving the school and ensuring that every pupil reaches their potential is evident, with positive feedback from staff, governors, pupils, and parents regarding the improvements made since the headteacher's appointment.
Pupils enjoy their time at school, demonstrating good behavior, attentiveness, and concentration in their work. As a result, a higher-than-average number of pupils achieve expected standards in reading and mathematics. Pupils express a desire to succeed and take pride in their school community, actively participating in roles that contribute positively to school life. The majority of parents support the school, recognizing the staff's efforts to create a positive environment and meet individual needs. While a few parents raised concerns about bullying, pupils reported feeling safe and understood the school's behavior policy, indicating that any issues are managed effectively by staff.
The school has focused on improving writing and mathematics, with the English leader implementing successful initiatives to enhance writing skills. The curriculum is vibrant and engaging, providing opportunities for pupils to apply their learning in various contexts. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that writing and mathematics skills are effectively utilized across the wider curriculum. The quality of work in topic books does not match the standards seen in core subjects, and there are missed opportunities for pupils to deepen their understanding through reasoning and real-life applications in mathematics.
The inspection highlighted the effectiveness of safeguarding measures in place, with staff trained and clear about their responsibilities. Attendance is above the national average, and any concerns regarding behavior are addressed promptly. The inspection findings focused on safeguarding, the effectiveness of new approaches to English and mathematics, and the quality of the wider curriculum. The English leader has made significant strides in improving writing, with pupils showing increased confidence and ability. The mathematics leader has also introduced a new approach that has been well received, leading to good progress in mathematics.
Despite these successes, the school is encouraged to ensure that pupils deepen their mathematical understanding and apply their knowledge across the curriculum. The curriculum is rich in experiences, including visits and practical activities that enhance pupils' understanding of their community and the world. However, the evidence of learning in topic books is minimal, and the presentation of work does not reflect the pride pupils take in their English and mathematics.
Next steps for the school include focusing on deepening pupils' knowledge in mathematics through reasoning and real-life applications, as well as ensuring that skills learned in core subjects are applied in the wider curriculum. The leadership team is committed to these improvements, and the school community is supportive of the ongoing development efforts. The inspection concluded with a positive outlook for the school, recognizing the progress made and the potential for further enhancement in the quality of education provided.