Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Homewood College on December 6, 2023, following its previous judgment that the school required special measures in December 2021. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made since the last graded inspection, rather than to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the school. The findings indicate that Homewood College remains inadequate and continues to require special measures due to insufficient progress in improvement efforts.
The inspection revealed ongoing challenges that have hindered the implementation of necessary improvements. Staffing issues were a significant concern, with many staff members absent and a growing reliance on temporary staff. The school has experienced high turnover rates, which have disrupted continuity and stability within the school community. Since October 2023, the Department for Education has commissioned a multi-academy trust to provide additional support, including the appointment of a new interim headteacher and advisers to assist with strategic planning and staffing.
While the school has made efforts to develop its curriculum and address the reading needs of pupils, these initiatives have not been consistently maintained. Although staff have identified the specific reading support required for students, the implementation of targeted sessions has faltered. Instead, leaders have focused on managing classroom environments, particularly in response to pupils exhibiting dysregulated behavior. This shift in focus has detracted from the curriculum development that is essential for improving educational outcomes.
The high turnover of staff and increased absence rates have led to partial school closures, which have further complicated efforts to provide a stable learning environment. Attendance has declined, and the school has struggled to engage pupils in their education, particularly during periods of closure. Many pupils have missed lessons, and there has been a lack of follow-up on unfinished work, suggesting that important learning opportunities are being overlooked.
Despite these challenges, many staff members are dedicated to their pupils and strive to make a positive impact. However, they have expressed concerns about the safety of both pupils and colleagues, as well as the overall stability of the school environment. The local governing body continues to provide support and challenge, actively seeking expertise to address financial concerns and staffing issues.
The multi-academy trust has played a crucial role in providing strategic support and practical assistance within the school. They have offered training to staff to ensure a consistent approach to managing pupil behavior and have modeled effective responses to challenges. The local authority has also been involved, offering support with human resources and governance.
Safeguarding processes were reviewed during the inspection, and administrative errors in records were promptly corrected by the school. The inspection highlighted the need for continued focus on improving the educational experience for pupils, as well as addressing the underlying issues affecting staff morale and pupil engagement. The school has plans for a significant reset in January, which aims to address these challenges and improve the overall learning environment. However, much work remains to be done to ensure the safety and well-being of pupils and staff before curriculum improvements can be effectively resumed.