Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Sunnymede Junior School on 2 May 2018, following its previous judgment of good in May 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the school's ethos of learning for a better tomorrow, ensuring that pupils feel safe, cared for, and encouraged to excel. Pupils exhibit exemplary behavior, demonstrating respect and support for one another's learning. The school fosters a culture where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities, promoting resilience among students.
Feedback from parents and carers through the Parent View questionnaire was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the quality of education their children receive. Staff responses also reflected strong confidence in the leadership, indicating a supportive and collaborative environment. Governance at the school is a notable strength, with an active governing body that provides both challenge and support. Governors are committed to the success of every pupil and regularly engage with the school to understand its strengths and areas for improvement.
The inspection highlighted the need for continued improvement in teaching, particularly in writing and mathematics, following a period of staffing changes. The quality of teaching is reportedly strengthening, with consistent implementation of the school's assessment policy leading to improved standards in writing. However, the leadership acknowledges that teaching has not yet reached an outstanding level.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with all arrangements meeting statutory requirements. Staff are well-trained in child protection procedures, and there is a clear understanding of how to raise concerns. The school collaborates effectively with parents and external agencies to address any safeguarding issues. Pupils, staff, and parents agree that the school is a safe and happy environment, with bullying being addressed promptly by teachers.
The inspection focused on several key areas, including the achievement of pupils in mathematics, particularly following below-average national test results in 2017. The subject leader for mathematics has identified areas for development, particularly in reasoning and problem-solving skills. Evidence from the inspection indicated that changes made to the teaching of mathematics have positively impacted pupil achievement. Observations of pupils' work showed a good range of mathematical skills being taught, with an emphasis on reasoning and problem-solving linked to other subjects.
The inspection also examined the progress of the most able pupils, who had not performed as well as their peers nationally in previous assessments. Opportunities for these pupils to extend their thinking across subjects have been introduced, although there remains room for further challenge and skill development.
Attendance has been a strength of the school but has declined in recent years, with an increase in persistent absence. The school is actively monitoring attendance and working with families to improve it. The deputy headteacher is collaborating with a charity to support families, resulting in improved attendance for some previously persistently absent pupils.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that teaching in mathematics continues to improve, particularly in reasoning and problem-solving skills. There is a need for more targeted support and challenge in teaching to help all pupils, especially the most able, achieve their potential. Additionally, efforts to improve attendance for persistently absent pupils must continue. The inspection concluded with a recognition of the school's ongoing commitment to providing a high-quality education and the positive impact of its leadership and governance.