Henham and Ugley Primary and Nursery School is a community primary school located in Henham, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. The school provides a welcoming and supportive environment where pupils feel safe and valued. During the recent inspection, the school was rated as good across all key areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has maintained a good standard since its previous inspection in March 2019.
Pupils at Henham and Ugley Primary School demonstrate a strong sense of pride in their school community. They engage actively in their learning and respond positively to the high expectations set by staff. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, ensuring that pupils learn effectively across various subjects. The introduction of new reading and writing programmes has enhanced pupils' learning experiences, allowing them to develop essential skills that support their academic growth. Staff are well-trained and provide the necessary support to help all pupils, including those who require additional assistance.
Behaviour in the school is commendable, with pupils displaying respect for one another and for adults. Clear routines are established, and pupils respond promptly to instructions, resulting in a calm and orderly environment. The school encourages pupils to take on responsibilities, fostering a sense of community and teamwork. Various enrichment activities, such as school council participation, music lessons, and extracurricular clubs, contribute to a well-rounded educational experience.
Attendance is generally good, although some pupils still miss too many days of school, which can hinder their learning progress. The school is actively working to improve attendance rates by engaging with parents and emphasizing the importance of regular school attendance.
The early years provision is particularly strong, focusing on developing children's curiosity and creativity. Children are encouraged to explore and engage in imaginative tasks, which prepares them well for their transition to Year 1. The curriculum in the early years is designed to promote verbal and written communication skills, ensuring that children are well-equipped for future learning.
Leaders at the school are committed to continuous improvement and have implemented several important changes to enhance the educational experience. However, there is a need for a more consistent approach to evaluating the curriculum and the impact of changes made. This will help ensure that the intended improvements are being realized effectively.
Reading is prioritized across all year groups, with pupils expressing a love for reading. Phonics instruction begins early, and pupils are provided with books that align with their learning. Those who need additional support in reading are identified promptly and receive effective interventions.
The school promotes fundamental British values and inclusivity, with many pupils taking on leadership roles that positively impact the school environment. Pupils enjoy various trips and events that enrich their learning experiences and help develop essential life skills such as confidence and teamwork.
Staff morale is high, with teachers feeling supported by school leaders who consider their workload and well-being. The governing body is actively involved in the school, providing both support and challenge to ensure high standards are maintained.
Overall, Henham and Ugley Primary and Nursery School is a good school that provides a nurturing environment for its pupils. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in attendance and curriculum evaluation, the school is well-positioned to continue its positive trajectory in delivering quality education.