Priory Primary School in Bicknacre, Chelmsford, underwent an inspection on June 7 and 8, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, were rated as Good. Leadership and management, along with early years provision, were found to require improvement. The school had previously been rated as Good in its last inspection in February 2018.
The school fosters a happy and friendly environment where pupils feel trusted and supported by adults. Older students demonstrate kindness towards younger pupils, promoting inclusivity during break times. Instances of bullying are rare, and students are confident that staff will address any unkind behaviour. Most pupils exhibit good behaviour, aided by established routines and clear expectations. However, some younger children occasionally lose focus, and adults do not always intervene promptly.
Pupils generally engage well with their learning when tasks are clearly explained. They collaborate effectively, practicing new skills together. However, when instructions are less clear, some students may take longer to begin their work. In early years, children learn to care for one another and their environment, participating in activities such as gardening. While many pupils enjoy extracurricular clubs, some parents expressed a desire for more opportunities to broaden their children's interests through trips and additional clubs.
Leaders are working to develop an ambitious curriculum, but its implementation varies across subjects. In certain areas, teachers understand the learning objectives and can assess pupils' understanding effectively, leading to positive learning experiences. However, in other subjects and early years, the curriculum lacks clarity, resulting in inconsistent teaching and support for pupils. The phonics curriculum is organized, but not all staff have received adequate training to implement it effectively.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is evolving, with most students learning alongside their peers. Staff are aware of individual needs and provide assistance to help them participate fully. Break times are lively and enjoyable, with pupils engaging in play and following established rules. In lessons, most students behave well, listening attentively to teachers and peers.
Pupils are taught to maintain their physical and mental health, learning about online safety and respectful relationships. They participate in fundraising for charities and engage in extracurricular activities. Staff feel supported by leaders, fostering a collaborative team environment. However, systems for evaluating teaching effectiveness and support for pupils with special educational needs are not well established.
Many governors are new to their roles and are working to strengthen their effectiveness. They recognize the need for improved oversight of the curriculum and safeguarding systems. The school’s safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify signs of risk and work with families and external agencies. However, leaders acknowledge that record-keeping for safeguarding actions has not been consistently maintained, and they are taking steps to address this.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that curriculum planning clearly outlines what pupils should learn and how their knowledge will develop over time. Teachers require training to effectively assess understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly. Leaders should also ensure that all staff have the necessary expertise to teach the early years curriculum effectively. Additionally, there is a need for improved communication and confidence-building among parents regarding school leadership and governance.