St Mary’s, Prittlewell, C of E Primary School is a community primary school located in Southend-on-Sea, Essex. The school has been rated as good in all areas during its recent inspection conducted from February 4 to February 5, 2020. The overall effectiveness of the school, the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision have all been assessed as good. The school has experienced significant changes in staffing, which has raised some concerns among parents, but the headteacher has established a committed senior leadership team that works effectively to support staff and monitor pupil achievement.
Pupils at St Mary’s are described as happy, polite, and energetic, demonstrating the school’s core values of trust, responsibility, respect, and friendship. They engage enthusiastically in lessons and enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities, including drama, sports, and music. The early years provision is strong, with children learning about global issues and developing a good foundation for their education. The curriculum is well-structured, promoting respect for diversity and encouraging pupils to reflect on their beliefs while appreciating different cultures.
Behavior in the school is generally good, with pupils feeling safe and enjoying sociable lunchtimes and breaktimes. However, some parents have expressed concerns about inconsistencies in how behavior is managed by different staff members. While most pupils behave well, there are reports of varying responses to poor behavior, which has led to some pupils feeling that not all incidents are addressed consistently.
The school has made strides in ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive the support they need to succeed. Pupils are encouraged to participate in various aspects of school life, and those who speak English as an additional language are well-supported in their learning. The school has identified the need for focused support for some pupils who are falling behind in reading, particularly in phonics, and leaders are prioritizing this area to ensure that all pupils can catch up effectively.
Curriculum leaders have developed clear plans for most subjects, particularly in mathematics and writing, ensuring that teaching aligns with the intended outcomes. However, there are areas, such as history and science, where the curriculum plans lack specificity regarding the progression of skills across year groups. Leaders are aware of the need to improve reading outcomes, especially following disappointing results in 2019, and have implemented strategies to foster a love of reading from an early age.
The school’s safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders ensuring that all staff are suitable to work with children. Pupils are educated on internet safety, and incidents of poor behavior are recorded and followed up appropriately. Nonetheless, there is a need for greater consistency in the application of the behavior policy to reassure parents and pupils that all concerns are addressed adequately.
In summary, St Mary’s, Prittlewell, C of E Primary School is a good school that provides a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in the consistency of behavior management and the specificity of curriculum planning, the leadership team is committed to ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education and the support they need to thrive. The school community is engaged and positive, with a strong emphasis on personal development and respect for diversity.