Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Bentley St Paul’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School on 1 February 2018, following its previous judgment of good in November 2013. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, including the headteacher and governors, demonstrates a clear understanding of the school’s performance and areas for improvement. Their effective direction fosters a strong sense of purpose, motivating both staff and pupils to achieve well. The positive feedback from parents and staff highlights the quality of leadership within the school.
The inspection reaffirmed several strengths identified in the previous report, including the strong start children receive in the Reception class, the commitment of governors to improvement, and the school’s focus on spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education. Pupils’ behavior remains commendable, contributing to a positive learning environment. The school has worked diligently to provide a broad and engaging curriculum, with notable strengths in physical education, evidenced by the attainment of the Gold Games Mark. Pupils take pride in their achievements in various sports competitions and benefit from specialist music instruction.
Thematic topics are well-structured, offering exciting learning opportunities, and outdoor learning is effectively integrated into the curriculum. During the inspection, pupils demonstrated their understanding of scientific concepts through engaging activities, such as linking exercise to the behavior of molecules. The school encourages pupils to work collaboratively, fostering independence in their learning. For instance, Year 5 students engaged in planning a safari park layout as part of their Africa topic, showcasing their ability to approach problems creatively.
Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, expressing determination to excel. They appreciate the new homework policy, which allows them to choose tasks and approach them in various ways. Many pupils actively seek responsibilities within the school, participating in roles such as elected ministers in the school parliament and play leaders. They value the extra time staff dedicate to enriching their learning experiences through a variety of clubs and activities.
Despite some challenges, including significant staff turnover, the quality of teaching has remained good. Leaders have implemented regular checks and provided necessary training to support staff. Safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong culture of safety within the school. Staff and governors receive regular training, ensuring they are equipped to address any concerns regarding pupil welfare. The school maintains comprehensive records and conducts appropriate pre-employment checks to ensure staff suitability.
The inspection also focused on the school’s progress in addressing previous recommendations, particularly regarding the assessment and recording of pupils’ learning. New subject leaders have been well-supported, and a common system for assessing pupil progress has been established. This system allows staff to identify weaknesses and plan appropriate interventions. Current assessment data indicates that pupils across all groups are making good progress, although writing remains an area for improvement. The school is aware that handwriting standards need to be raised, particularly among boys, and that opportunities for extended writing in topic work should be increased.
Feedback provided to pupils about their work is not always specific enough to facilitate improvement, and there may be insufficient time allocated for pupils to act on this feedback. The school is actively working to address these issues. Additionally, pupils with low prior attainment are receiving effective support, and current assessment information suggests they are making good progress.
In summary, Bentley St Paul’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with strong leadership and a commitment to improvement. The school is well-regarded by parents and pupils alike, and while there are areas for development, particularly in writing, the overall progress and learning environment are positive. The next steps involve enhancing writing progress, improving handwriting standards, and ensuring that feedback is actionable for pupils.