Thomas Willingale Primary School and Nursery, located in Loughton, Essex, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on April 25 and 26, 2023. The school provides a supportive environment where pupils from diverse backgrounds thrive academically and socially. Leaders at the school maintain high expectations for all students, ensuring they receive the necessary support to excel in their learning. The positive behavior of pupils is evident, as they take pride in their education and demonstrate calmness and concentration, particularly in the early years. The school fosters a culture of politeness and friendliness, with pupils actively engaging in helping one another and respecting their peers in a nurturing community. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, they are addressed promptly, contributing to a safe and happy atmosphere for all students.
Pupils express pride in their school and develop their character effectively. They understand and embody the school’s values, with younger students able to articulate concepts such as integrity. The school offers numerous opportunities for personal development, including participation in programs like the Junior Duke Award. Students are well-prepared for their future educational journeys, building essential knowledge and vocabulary from an early age. They engage in activities that encourage them to think about their aspirations, such as dressing up for ‘aspiration days’ to represent their desired future careers.
The leadership team is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. They have implemented an effective curriculum that is carefully structured to ensure pupils know what they need to learn. The curriculum is designed to build knowledge incrementally, allowing pupils to revisit and reinforce their learning over time. However, there are areas where teachers could enhance the connections between different subjects, as some pupils may not achieve the depth of understanding that is possible. While teachers generally deliver the curriculum well and utilize effective strategies, there are occasions when they move on to new content before confirming that all pupils have grasped the previous material.
The school has established a strong reading culture, with a well-structured phonics curriculum that prepares children in the Nursery for their reading journey in Reception. Staff effectively teach phonics, ensuring that pupils who fall behind receive the necessary support to catch up. This approach leads to pupils becoming confident and enthusiastic readers. The school’s behavior policy is clear and consistently applied by staff, fostering strong relationships with pupils and minimizing disruptions to learning.
Leaders prioritize pupils’ personal development, equipping them with the skills and values needed for life in a changing world. The school community is engaged, with parents expressing positive feedback about their experiences. Staff well-being is also a priority, contributing to a motivated workforce that collaborates to create a positive environment for pupils. Governors play an active role in supporting the school, providing effective oversight and challenge where necessary.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a vigilant culture that ensures staff are well-trained to identify and address concerns. Pupils learn about safety through the curriculum, including online safety, which equips them with essential knowledge to navigate potential risks. Overall, while the school is performing well, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all teachers consistently check pupils’ understanding and help them make connections across different subjects. This will further enhance the depth of knowledge and understanding that pupils can achieve.