Longlevens Junior School is recognized as a good school, providing a supportive and nurturing environment for its pupils. The school emphasizes the importance of individualism, ensuring that every student feels valued and cared for. This commitment to well-being fosters a sense of safety and enjoyment among students, contributing to high attendance rates. The school actively promotes positive behavior, and when incidents of bullying arise, they are addressed promptly and effectively. In the classroom, students demonstrate focus and eagerness to engage, sharing their thoughts and ideas freely. The playground offers a vibrant atmosphere where students can enjoy stimulating playtimes, and initiatives like the daily mile enhance their understanding of health and well-being.
Students at Longlevens Junior School are encouraged to take on leadership roles, participating in various councils and initiatives, such as the eco-council and e-safety captains. These roles instill a sense of pride and responsibility, as students contribute to the school community by promoting internet safety and environmental awareness. The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports and language clubs, reflecting its commitment to preparing students for future educational endeavors.
Since the last inspection, the school has experienced significant leadership changes and has formed a federation with a neighboring infant school. This partnership has been positively received by parents, who appreciate the clear direction provided by the school. Staff members feel valued and supported, benefiting from a comprehensive professional development program that enhances their knowledge and skills.
The curriculum at Longlevens Junior School is broad and ambitious, with a clear focus on essential knowledge that builds over time. For instance, in computing, students begin with block programming, progressing to more complex tasks in later years. However, there are a few subjects where students may not develop their knowledge as effectively, occasionally struggling to connect new learning with prior knowledge.
Reading is prioritized, with the school ensuring a smooth transition from the infant school. Most students arrive with a solid understanding of phonics, and daily phonics sessions help maintain this foundation. Additional support is provided for those who need it, enabling most students to read fluently and accurately. The school also offers access to a wide range of reading materials, including resources from the local library.
Assessment practices are effective in identifying gaps in students' knowledge, allowing staff to reinforce key learning before introducing new topics. Students with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in school life, with necessary adaptations made to support their learning.
The school provides a wealth of opportunities beyond the classroom, with students participating in regional and national sporting events, musical performances, and outdoor learning experiences. These activities help develop character and resilience, while charity work encourages students to engage with their community.
Governors play an active role in supporting and challenging the school, demonstrating a commitment to providing the best educational experience for all students. Safeguarding measures are effective, ensuring a safe environment for learning.
To further improve, the school should focus on refining the curriculum in a small number of subjects to ensure that all students develop a deep understanding of the knowledge required for success. Overall, Longlevens Junior School continues to provide a high-quality education, fostering a positive and enriching environment for its pupils.