Park Junior School, located in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted both its strengths and areas for improvement. The inspection took place on October 3 and 4, 2023, and the overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement. The quality of education was also rated as requiring improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management were rated as good.
The school is in a phase of positive change, with staff dedicated to helping pupils succeed. Executive leaders have set higher expectations for students, although many of the improvements are still in the early stages and need time to be fully integrated into the school’s practices. Pupils at Park Junior School are described as friendly and polite, demonstrating good manners and a sense of responsibility towards one another. They feel safe and supported by the staff, who take the time to know them as individuals.
Behaviour among pupils is generally good, with clear routines and expectations in place. Staff effectively address any friendship issues that arise, and lunchtime behaviour has improved due to the introduction of more engaging activities. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs and trips that enrich the curriculum and foster a sense of community among students. Many parents have expressed positive feedback regarding the school’s improvements since joining the Stonehouse Park Federation.
Despite these strengths, the school faces challenges, particularly in the teaching of reading, which is identified as an urgent priority. A new phonics programme has been introduced for struggling readers, but there are still weaknesses in the support provided to these students, hindering their progress towards becoming confident readers. The school plans to bring in experts to provide additional training for staff in this area.
The curriculum has undergone significant changes, focusing on essential knowledge that pupils need to learn. In subjects like mathematics and history, pupils can recall prior learning effectively. However, the school is still in the early stages of evaluating the impact of the new curriculum on overall student learning, which limits its understanding of how well pupils are grasping the material across all subjects.
Teachers are knowledgeable about effective learning strategies and present information clearly, helping pupils build their knowledge incrementally. The school has made strides in identifying students with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they can learn alongside their peers. However, there are still instances where the learning for these pupils is not tailored sufficiently to meet their needs, which can slow their progress.
Pupils generally behave well and respond quickly to adult prompts. Staff support those with complex needs to regulate their behaviour, minimizing disruptions to learning. The school promotes responsible citizenship through its curriculum, encouraging pupils to engage in charitable activities and respect diverse cultures.
While staff have a positive outlook on the school’s direction, there are areas that require attention. The implementation of the phonics programme needs to be consistent across all staff to ensure that weaker readers receive the support they need. Additionally, not all staff are fully equipped to adapt learning for pupils with special educational needs, which can hinder their educational experience. The school must also enhance its evaluation processes to better understand the impact of curriculum changes on student learning.
Overall, Park Junior School is on a path of improvement, with dedicated staff and leadership working towards creating a supportive and effective learning environment for all pupils.