Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of St James Church of England Junior School on 12 October 2022, following three successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The leadership structure has been strengthened with the appointment of an operational headteacher who works alongside the executive headteacher. Additionally, two new governors have joined the school, and a teacher specializing in English as an additional language was appointed to support the growing number of pupils who are not fluent in English. The school is set to formally federate with Hatherley Infant School in January 2023.
The school has made strides in improving its reading program in response to previous weaknesses. A new early reading program has been introduced, providing pupils with the necessary support to meet their individual needs. Leaders effectively use assessments to monitor pupil progress, helping those who have fallen behind in reading to catch up. The investment in age-appropriate books allows pupils to practice and consolidate their reading skills. However, there remains some inconsistency in staff expertise regarding the phonics program.
Efforts to enhance the wider curriculum are beginning to show positive results. Subject leaders are focusing on identifying the essential knowledge and vocabulary that pupils need to learn and remember. Teachers are providing regular opportunities for pupils to recap their learning, which aids retention, particularly in subjects like mathematics and history. However, improvements in curriculum planning for other subjects, such as design technology and art, are still in the early stages, which limits overall pupil progress across the curriculum.
Senior leaders have improved oversight of curriculum delivery, conducting regular checks to assess what pupils know and remember. The chair and vice-chair of governors participate in local authority project group meetings to discuss the impact of leadership actions on school improvement. A new monitoring schedule has been introduced to help governors understand how well pupils are learning the curriculum, but it is too early to evaluate the effectiveness of this initiative.
The school values the support and guidance from local school leaders and the local authority regarding curriculum design. Staff have expressed positive feedback about the external training they receive, which helps them develop their expertise. Stronger connections with the infant school ensure that the curriculum design builds on pupils' prior learning.
Despite the progress made, St James Church of England Junior School continues to require improvement. While leaders have made significant strides in enhancing the school, further work is necessary for it to achieve a good rating. The school must implement a systematic plan to secure improvements across all subjects in the wider curriculum and ensure that governors strengthen their understanding of pupil learning to provide effective support and challenge. The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has also been a consideration during the inspection, highlighting the need for continued focus on recovery and improvement in the educational experience for all pupils.