Following the short inspection of Longborough Church of England Primary School on June 22, 2017, it was determined that the school continues to provide a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively maintained this standard since the last inspection in January 2013. Under the leadership of Miss Alexandra Symondson, who took on the role of executive headteacher in September 2016, the school has seen significant improvements in teaching quality and pupil achievement. The leadership team has established a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses, using this information to implement necessary changes and hold staff accountable.
Pupils demonstrate high standards in their work and behavior, reflecting the high expectations set by the leadership team. The school fosters a supportive and nurturing environment, where respect and courtesy are emphasized. Pupils feel valued and are encouraged to appreciate diversity. The school has made strides in enhancing teaching methods, making lessons more engaging and challenging. For instance, outdoor learning has been effectively integrated into the curriculum, allowing pupils to apply their mathematical skills in practical contexts.
Professional development for staff has been prioritized, leading to improved subject knowledge and teaching practices, particularly in mathematics. However, there are still areas for growth, particularly in ensuring that pupils consistently apply their phonics knowledge to improve spelling in their writing. Attendance has improved significantly since September 2016, although there remains a need to further support specific groups, such as disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety embedded within the school. Staff are well-trained and vigilant, ensuring that pupils feel secure and know how to keep themselves safe. The school has established effective systems for monitoring attendance and addressing any concerns promptly.
The inspection highlighted several key areas for further development. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that pupils can effectively use their phonics knowledge in writing and to enhance their reasoning skills in mathematics. Continued efforts are needed to improve attendance rates for specific groups of pupils. Overall, the school is on a positive trajectory, with strong leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement. The positive relationships among staff and pupils contribute to a thriving school environment where learning is prioritized and celebrated.