Sherborne Church of England Primary School, located in Sherborne, Gloucestershire, has been evaluated as a good school following its inspection on July 3 and 4, 2023. The school has maintained its good rating since the previous inspection in October 2017. The inspection highlighted the positive environment in which pupils thrive, emphasizing their pride in being part of the school community. Pupils are well aware of the school's values and ethos, which they actively demonstrate in their daily interactions. The school’s motto, Sherborne for Life, resonates with the students, who are eager to embody these principles.
The relationships between pupils and staff are characterized by positivity and mutual respect. Leaders provide robust pastoral support, ensuring that bullying is rare and that pupils feel confident in voicing their concerns. High expectations from leaders and staff foster a culture of good behavior and a strong desire to learn among pupils. They take pride in their work, demonstrating politeness and courtesy towards one another, and they engage well in cooperative activities during lessons.
The school offers a wide range of enrichment and extracurricular activities, which are appreciated by parents, carers, and pupils alike. Leaders ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to participate, contributing to the school’s eco-award through their commitment to environmental kindness. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of pupils, with a focus on sequencing learning into manageable parts. For instance, in mathematics, pupils build their knowledge of numbers through various methods, allowing them to consolidate their understanding effectively.
However, the inspection identified areas for improvement. In some subjects, the content is not sequenced carefully, which can hinder pupils' secure understanding. For example, while pupils can recall artists they have studied, they may struggle to apply the techniques learned in their own work. Additionally, while a new phonics program has been implemented to support early reading, some pupils face challenges in reading fluently. Although support is in place, it may not always be precise enough to facilitate quick progress.
Pupils express a love for reading, both in school and at home, due to the emphasis placed on reading by leaders. They enjoy exploring a variety of texts and authors, which enhances their enthusiasm for literature. Teachers employ effective questioning techniques to deepen pupils' understanding of the texts they encounter.
In the early years, staff provide nurturing care that creates a secure learning environment. Positive relationships are evident, and children respond well to the adults guiding them. However, some learning activities may not fully engage or extend children's knowledge as intended.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, with leaders setting accurate targets and providing useful information for staff to adapt learning effectively. The school promotes personal development and well-being through a rich variety of activities, allowing pupils to flourish and take pride in representing their school.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of vigilance among staff. Leaders ensure that all members of the school community understand their roles in safeguarding. Pupils feel safe and are knowledgeable about online safety.
To improve further, the school needs to ensure that support for pupils struggling with reading is more precise and impactful. Additionally, leaders should focus on ensuring that the curriculum is well sequenced across all areas to enhance pupils' retention and understanding of knowledge over time.