Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Oak Hill Church of England Primary School on January 31, 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. During the visit, discussions were held with the headteacher, staff, governors, and a school improvement adviser from the local authority. The inspector also observed lessons, reviewed pupils' work, and examined curriculum documents and the school development plan.
The findings indicate that Oak Hill Church of England Primary School continues to require improvement. While leaders have made some progress in enhancing the school, further efforts are necessary for it to achieve a good rating. The school is currently operating at the Alderton site, where all pupils are taught in three classes. There have been notable staffing changes, including the departure of two teachers and the appointment of a new teacher for key stage two.
The headteacher's initiative to revamp the curriculum is beginning to yield positive results in pupils' learning. There is a clear focus on identifying the essential knowledge that pupils need to acquire and retain. Teachers are providing opportunities for pupils to practice and revisit their learning, which has been particularly effective in subjects like mathematics and history. However, the headteacher recognizes that additional work is needed in other areas, such as science and design technology.
Staff expectations regarding what pupils should know and understand have been raised, leading to a noticeable improvement in teaching quality. The training and coaching provided to staff have enhanced their subject knowledge and understanding of effective teaching strategies. Consequently, learning is now better structured and broken down into manageable steps. Pupils express positive attitudes towards their learning and can confidently recall what they have been taught. Nevertheless, there are challenges in helping pupils make connections between their learning across different subjects, particularly in applying mathematical concepts to science and geography.
The improvements in the curriculum and heightened teacher expectations are positively influencing pupils' attitudes towards learning. Students are engaged in lessons and demonstrate perseverance when faced with challenges, resulting in a more focused learning environment. Governors are actively supporting the headteacher and holding them accountable for the school's progress. They utilize their expertise to monitor the effectiveness of the actions taken by the leadership team, contributing to improved learning outcomes for pupils.
The headteacher values the support and guidance provided by external advisers and the local authority, which have been instrumental in facilitating necessary improvements. The ongoing collaboration with these external bodies is seen as beneficial in driving the school forward.
In summary, while Oak Hill Church of England Primary School has made strides in improving its curriculum and teaching practices, it still requires further development to achieve a good rating. The leadership team is committed to addressing the areas that need improvement, and with continued support from governors and external advisers, there is potential for the school to enhance its educational offerings and outcomes for pupils. The monitoring inspection highlights the importance of sustained efforts in ensuring that all aspects of the curriculum are systematically addressed and that pupils are provided with opportunities to apply their knowledge across subjects.