Ofsted conducted a short inspection of St Mary’s Church of England VA Primary School on 13 November 2018, following its previous judgment of good in January 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, including new leaders, has effectively formed a skilled team focused on raising standards and improving pupil progress. The school development plan is well-aligned with the right priorities, ensuring that teachers receive high-quality professional development. This has led to effective teaching practices, particularly in mathematics, where new strategies for developing pupils’ abstract thinking are being successfully implemented.
The governors play an active role in overseeing the school’s work and share the commitment to ensuring all pupils achieve well. The school has made good use of additional funding to support the inclusion and well-being of disadvantaged pupils, with governors regularly reviewing the effectiveness of this spending. The previous inspection highlighted the need for better support for lower-ability pupils in mathematics, and the school has since developed a range of additional support in both English and mathematics. Teachers are now accurately assessing pupils’ needs, ensuring that all abilities are included in lessons.
Pupils are also given opportunities to apply their English and mathematics skills across the curriculum, with regular writing tasks in subjects like history and science. However, the school recognizes the need for further development in teaching English and mathematics to strengthen overall pupil progress. Pupils exhibit good behavior and a positive attitude towards their learning, embodying the school’s values of being caring, courageous, and curious. Parents appreciate the welcoming atmosphere of the school and the support provided to new pupils.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong culture of pupil welfare shared among leaders, staff, and governors. Training is kept up to date, and a comprehensive system for recording concerns has been implemented. Staff are proactive in making timely referrals to external agencies when necessary. The school maintains thorough checks to ensure the safety of staff and volunteers, and governors monitor safeguarding procedures effectively.
Pupils report feeling safe and are educated about safety issues, including internet safety and bullying. While most parents feel their children are safe, a few have expressed concerns about the handling of bullying allegations. The school is currently reviewing its anti-bullying approach and plans to consult with parents. The inspection found no evidence of bullying being inadequately addressed, and the school’s record of fixed-term exclusions is decreasing.
The inspection also focused on the progress of pupils in mathematics and writing, particularly in the early years. The school has taken steps to improve mathematics teaching, especially for disadvantaged pupils, and has introduced effective programs to help them catch up. However, there is still work to be done in developing pupils’ problem-solving and reasoning skills in mathematics. In writing, improvements have been noted, particularly in key stage one, where pupils are encouraged to write more frequently. In key stage two, older pupils are developing depth in their writing, but there is a need for consistency across all year groups.
In the early years, the proportion of children reaching a good level of development has been below the national average, particularly in writing. Teachers are making accurate assessments and maintaining records of progress. Children are learning alongside Year 1 pupils, and while they are practicing phonics and writing, there is a need for further development in their writing skills. The school is addressing this through recent professional development initiatives. Overall, the school is committed to continuous improvement and ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential.