Archway School in Paganhill, Stroud, Gloucestershire, underwent an inspection on 2 and 3 March 2022, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has made significant strides since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision all received a good rating.
The school has fostered a growing sense of ambition among both pupils and staff. There is a clear expectation for pupils to rise to challenges, supported by established routines that promote a calm atmosphere conducive to learning. Leaders prioritize personal development, ensuring that all pupils leave school with essential life skills, such as swimming, by providing additional classes in the on-site swimming pool.
Pupils are encouraged to pursue their aspirations, with leaders inviting professionals from various industries to share insights. This initiative has led to an increase in sixth-form students securing places at universities and a strong track record of supporting apprenticeships. Most pupils report that bullying is rare, and they describe a community atmosphere within the school. However, there are concerns about disrespectful behavior and derogatory language from a small minority of pupils, prompting calls for more action from leaders.
Since the last inspection, there has been a marked improvement in pupil conduct, particularly during lessons, allowing for effective learning. Leaders have carefully considered the curriculum and its delivery, collaborating with local primary schools to ensure continuity in learning. The number of pupils studying for GCSEs in English Baccalaureate subjects is increasing, and the revamped French curriculum has enhanced pupils' knowledge retention and confidence in language learning.
Leaders utilize evidence-based research to inform teaching practices, helping subject leaders refine their curriculum strategies. This focus on subject-specific vocabulary has led to improved writing skills among students, particularly in the sixth form. However, the effectiveness of assessment varies across subjects, with some areas needing improvement to better identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are included in school life and participate actively in lessons. While leaders provide teachers with information about these pupils' needs, there is room for improvement in utilizing subject expertise to plan effective support. This has resulted in some pupils not achieving their full potential in certain subjects.
The school promotes a culture of reading, introducing pupils to a diverse range of age-appropriate texts and providing support for those who struggle with reading. The curriculum for personal, social, and health education is well-designed and complemented by initiatives that encourage pupils to develop positive personal qualities and engage in school-wide developments.
Leaders have established an aspirational careers program, helping pupils make ambitious plans for their futures. The school meets the requirements of the Baker Clause, ensuring that pupils receive information about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
Staff express pride in their school and appreciate the support from leaders regarding workload and well-being. However, some staff desire more assistance in addressing lapses in pupil conduct. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders aware of local risks and adapting support for vulnerable pupils, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong relationships between staff and pupils facilitate a supportive environment where most pupils feel comfortable reporting concerns. Overall, while the school has made commendable progress, there are areas for further development, particularly in assessment practices and addressing behavioral issues among a minority of pupils.