Merdon Junior School underwent a short inspection on 16 July 2019, following its previous judgment of good in June 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has successfully fostered a positive and nurturing learning environment, where pupils are enthusiastic about learning and enjoy attending school. The school’s values, which emphasize independence, growth mindset, perseverance, innovation, teamwork, evaluation, honesty, excellence, attitude, respect, and thoughtfulness, are integral to its operations and resonate with both pupils and parents. The pupils exhibit friendliness and cooperation, contributing to a harmonious atmosphere.
The senior leadership team possesses a thorough understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, having conducted comprehensive evaluations of teaching quality and pupil outcomes. This informed approach has allowed leaders to implement targeted actions, particularly in enhancing mathematics instruction. The local authority has provided effective support and guidance to assist the school in its endeavors.
In the previous inspection, the school was tasked with improving the quality of teaching and pupil attainment by ensuring that work is appropriately challenging and that pupils understand their learning objectives. The school has successfully addressed these areas by implementing effective teaching strategies and ensuring that staff are well-trained and knowledgeable. Teachers are adept at tailoring learning to meet pupils’ prior attainment levels, ensuring that it remains suitably challenging. They skillfully question pupils to deepen their understanding and share learning objectives to clarify the purpose of their lessons. Over the past three years, the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing, and mathematics at the end of Year 6 has increased, with figures in 2018 surpassing the national average.
Pupils demonstrate concentration and a commitment to their work, collaborating thoughtfully and respectfully. Their work is generally presented neatly, reflecting pride in their achievements. The majority of parents express high satisfaction with the school’s performance and the improvements made, highlighting a positive atmosphere and a nurturing approach.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong culture prioritizing pupil safety and well-being. Leaders ensure that safeguarding arrangements are robust, providing regular training for staff to maintain a high level of awareness regarding pupil safety. The school has a well-organized system for recording and reporting concerns, and all necessary pre-employment checks are conducted thoroughly.
During the inspection, three key aspects were explored: the effectiveness of teaching in writing and mathematics, the impact of leaders’ actions on disadvantaged pupils, and the effectiveness of governance. The school has embedded a successful approach to mathematics, with teachers designing tasks that challenge pupils to deepen their understanding. In writing, the school has refined its teaching approach, linking reading and writing effectively. Although progress in writing has improved, it is not yet fully consistent across all areas.
Disadvantaged pupils have historically underperformed compared to their peers, but the school has implemented targeted support and interventions to address this issue. Governors are actively involved in the school’s operations, providing a balance of support and challenge, and are knowledgeable about the school’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that strengths in writing instruction are fully embedded and further developing provisions for disadvantaged pupils to enhance their progress and help them catch up with their peers nationally.