Hawley Primary School, located in Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on March 8 and 9, 2022. The school has demonstrated a strong commitment to providing a safe and happy learning environment for its pupils, with staff, parents, and the community working collaboratively to support student development. The newly appointed headteacher and her leadership team have effectively raised expectations across all areas of school life, fostering a culture of hard work and achievement among students.
Pupils at Hawley Primary School appreciate the variety of enrichment opportunities available to them, including numerous clubs and educational trips. They are well-informed about maintaining their physical and mental health and show a keen awareness of global issues, exemplified by their initiative to collect items for those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. The enthusiasm for learning is evident, as pupils actively engage in their studies and can articulate their learning experiences with clarity. The school’s structured routines and high expectations help guide pupils in making positive choices during lessons.
The behavior of pupils throughout the school is commendable, with a calm atmosphere prevailing in classrooms and common areas. Positive relationships are fostered among students and between pupils and staff, contributing to a supportive school community. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils feel secure in reporting any concerns to trusted adults. The school’s leadership maintains thorough records of behavior incidents, reinforcing the effectiveness of their approach to maintaining a safe environment.
Subject leaders at Hawley Primary School are passionate about their areas of responsibility and have collaborated to create a broad and engaging curriculum. The leadership in English and mathematics is particularly effective, resulting in strong learning outcomes in these subjects. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in subjects like geography, where the sequencing of learning could be enhanced. The work assigned to pupils in some subjects may not always be sufficiently challenging, but senior leaders are actively addressing these concerns and providing support to teachers.
The school has successfully implemented a new phonics program, which has shown promising early results in improving reading skills among pupils. Staff have received appropriate training, and targeted support is in place for those who may struggle with reading. The love of reading is evident, with pupils expressing enthusiasm for the books they are exploring.
In the early years, strong relationships between the early years leader, parents, and previous settings ensure that children transition smoothly into the school environment. The curriculum is well-structured, providing children with access to a variety of resources and activities that promote engagement and concentration. Leaders are currently working on enhancing aspects of outdoor learning to further support children’s development.
The school has made significant strides in identifying and supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The interim special educational needs coordinator has established effective communication with parents and staff, ensuring that appropriate adjustments are made to the curriculum to facilitate learning for all pupils.
Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the school, noting positive changes under the new headteacher's leadership. Governors are actively involved in supporting the school’s development and are becoming more engaged in the improvement planning process. While behavior is generally good, there are instances of low-level disruption in lessons that need to be addressed to maximize learning opportunities for all pupils.
The safeguarding arrangements at Hawley Primary School are robust, with a strong culture of safety and well-maintained records. Staff are well-trained and understand their responsibilities in keeping pupils safe. Overall, the school is committed to continuous improvement and is well-positioned to address the areas identified for development.