Owslebury Primary School is recognized as a good school, demonstrating a strong commitment to the well-being and education of its pupils. The school fosters a nurturing environment where students feel valued and safe. Pupils express confidence in the support they receive from adults, particularly in addressing any concerns they may have. The behavior of students is commendable, with a calm atmosphere throughout the school. The established school rules emphasize safety, respect, and personal best, contributing to a positive learning environment. In instances of bullying, pupils trust that staff will respond promptly and effectively.
The school’s core values—nurture, aspiration, respect, resilience, and collaboration—are integral to its culture. Students are encouraged to respect diversity and take pride in their school environment. They actively participate in initiatives such as the ‘dustpan and brush’ classroom award, which promotes teamwork and responsibility. Pupils express a desire to learn about various cultures and religions, reflecting their aspirations for broader knowledge.
Leadership at Owslebury Primary School is characterized by ambition and a focus on high standards for all pupils. This has cultivated a keen interest in learning among students, who display enthusiasm in their educational pursuits. Reading is prioritized within the curriculum, with leaders striving to instill a love for literature by exposing pupils to a diverse range of authors. Early years students engage in daily voting for books, enhancing their reading experience. Staff are well-trained in the phonics program, ensuring that pupils receive the necessary support to succeed, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities.
The curriculum is designed to be ambitious, broad, and engaging, with subject leaders identifying essential knowledge and vocabulary for pupils to learn. Teachers ensure that lessons build on previous knowledge, regularly checking for understanding and making necessary adjustments to support all learners. However, there is recognition that assessment practices in some foundation subjects require improvement to ensure consistent progress tracking.
The new special educational needs coordinator has implemented effective systems for early identification of support needs, working closely with families to ensure that pupils with SEND can access the same curriculum as their peers. Pupils demonstrate good behavior in lessons, allowing for uninterrupted learning. The personal, social, and health education curriculum aligns well with the school’s values, preparing students to be responsible citizens in a diverse society.
Pupils take pride in their roles of responsibility, such as peer mentors and house captains, and actively participate in various clubs and extracurricular activities. The governing body is engaged and knowledgeable about the school, providing effective support and challenge to school leaders while prioritizing the well-being of both pupils and staff.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a collective responsibility among staff to ensure the safety of all pupils. Training equips staff to recognize and report concerns, and the safeguarding curriculum educates pupils on safety, including online risks.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Leaders need to clarify how staff should assess pupil knowledge in some foundation subjects to ensure that all students are making the intended progress. Additionally, the curriculum for the youngest children requires refinement to better prepare them for key stage one. Overall, Owslebury Primary School continues to provide a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.